Chapter : 10

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Damon was lounging on one of the locker blocks near the front door of the school. From there he had a perfect view of all the students entering the campus. He was crossing his arms with an impatient grin.

" Who are we waiting for ?" Lucas asked as he tried to relax the usual frown with his index finger.

"No one " Damon growled .

" So what are we doing here? " This time it was Scott who asked as he surreptitiously wrapped his arm around Lucas's waist.

Damon watched that gesture in bewilderment. Something began to make sense in his head, but he needed confirmation.

" Where did you two go yesterday? " he questioned. " Because as soon as the bell rang, you all ran away like cockroaches exposed to light. "

Lucas glared at him and Scott laughed.

" I promised Lucas that I would accompany him to his house. "

" Because ?" Damon raised an eyebrow in confusion. "As far as I know, here's the annoying blonde, he's capable of fending for himself."

" I know, but someone in my position is obliged to do it..."

" Your position?" Damon asked, even more confused.

Lucas and Scott shared a look and then nodded, it was as if they could communicate without opening their mouths.

" Well, what happens is that..."

Damon stopped paying attention the moment he saw the little blue-eyed elf cross the front door and as expected he was accompanied by Ben Tucker.

Damon was too proud to accept that he had been waiting for him, why? ... Well, simple, he was worried. He had been since the previous afternoon when he had driven him to his house. Max had said goodbye with a sad smile , a hug and ' thanks for listening '.

And it goes without saying that Damon hadn't slept a wink all night wondering if Max was okay, if he had cried again or if he felt too lonely. For that reason he had leaned against the lockers, waiting for him to make sure he was okay.

And yes , he sighed with relief when he saw that Max was smiling as always , his blue eyes bright with joy . He didn't even realize the moment he himself started to smile...unfortunately Lucas and Scott did.

" So we were waiting for our Max. " Lucas whispered, giving him an undisguised nudge in the ribs.

" No..."

" Ahaa, whatever you say. " Scott scoffed. He was going to send them to hell but just at that moment Max came skipping to where they were.

"Hello ! "

" God ! That smile was simply too warm. " Lucas and Scott responded to the greeting with the same effusiveness, even Ben walked up to them and smiled at them.

Damon for his part preferred to remain with his indifferent posture although inside he was dying to greet Max , to hug him... wait, what?! No no no . He definitely wouldn't do any of that . But of course, lately things were not going the way he expected, even so he was surprised when Max jumped on top of him and gave him a hug.

" Hey " he complained, pulling away when he realized that Lucas, Scott and Ben were laughing at him.

" Do that again and you'll regret it. "

" I'm sorry. " The little elf smiled sadly .

" Lucas said you were too distracted and you wouldn't notice. " He glared at the said Lucas and then remembered that he had left a pending conversation with his brainless friends.

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