Chapter : 5 [ I'm not your fucking bodyguard ]

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Damon pretended to listen to Lucas's chatter as they both walked towards the back of the school, that place where there were only old disused classrooms, it was the perfect place to smoke a cigarette without being discovered.

Sometimes Damon wondered why he put up with Lucas with the delicate features or why he let him get close to him in the first place. You just had to see him, thin with long hair that made him look like a doll and those gray eyes that sometimes seemed translucent, in his opinion he was too delicate; but here's the detail, Lucas could look as if he didn't kill a fly, however when he got angry... it was better not to be around. His fists were as hard as Scott's and almost as deadly as Damon's.

" So are you going to let Max sit at our table again? "

" No " he growled annoyed. He was sick of Lucas bringing up the subject at every opportunity . " And stop with that. "

" Oh come on, you know the kid didn't want to spill the soda on you, it was an accident. "

" And I don't give a shit about that. Accident or not , it is the perfect excuse to put it aside ." He Shrugged

He didn't have to see it to know Aron was rolling his eyes

" Max is a little clumsy, but he's also very nice. Plus I've been seeing him and I've noticed that he doesn't have any friends other than Tucker. "

" That none of my business..." Damon walked to sit on a pile of bricks that surely were destined to become a wall. .

" Sometimes I forget that you are an idiot. Why don't you go bother Scott and leave me alone?"

Lucas grimaced and sat down on the ground in front of Damon, not caring that he was overgrown.

" Scott is in history class, the very stupid he is being watched very closely by the teacher. "

" And now what did he do? " Damon asked bored, he was already used to Scott having problems in History class.

" He failed the last oral exam."

" Damn, not even that fucking History class was so difficult."

" Well, tell Scott, do you know what he replied when the professor asked him who discovered America? "

Damon shrugged, taking a cigarette from the inside pocket of his jacket

" He said that it had been Don Quixote de la Mancha. "

The two burst out laughing. Perhaps the funniest thing of all was knowing that in truth, Scott was lousy in that class.

His laughter was interrupted when from their places they saw how Henry dragged someone with him, took him to the back of the old chemistry room.

" Is that Max? " Lucas asked, standing up.

Damon didn't need to squint to know that Lucas was right, he snorted in annoyance. He lit the cigarette and took a long drag.

" Aren't you going to help him? "

Damon arched an eyebrow in Lucas's direction, letting him know that he wasn't going to do anything.

" He surely going to hit him."

" Not my problem "

" Damon..."

Just at that moment they saw Brice going in the same direction as Henry and then Damon stood up.

" It will be two against one ." Lucas bit his lip. " Are you really not going to do anything?"

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