Chapter : 9

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Damon was walking in the direction of the parking lot with a wrinkled brow, which was quite usual for him. Scott and Lucas had disappeared as soon as they heard the exit bell and not that Damon cared, but lately these pair had disappeared without saying anything and that was suspicious. 

He came down the front steps ready to go to the parking lot, then he saw it.  Max was sitting in one of the flower boxes with his head down. 

He thought of ignoring it, but by the time he realized it, his feet had already started. 

"Hey." he said when he was close, making Max jump. " What are you doing there ? Aren't you going home? " 

"Hello Dae" the boy whispered and Damon didn't miss the way he had called him 'Dae', no one had called him that way before.

" I wait for Ben to finish his training. "

"And I suppose you plan to wait three hours here, alone and with nothing to do."

Max agreed with an embarrassed smile. 

" And isn't it better to go to the field and wait for him in the stands?"

" No... the coach doesn't like me appearing in training." 

" Why ? "

" I don't know, I think he doesn't like me. "

"That's ridiculous ." he snorted in disbelief. 

He had always thought Coach was a fool, but with what Max said, he now believed that he was a complete jerk. 

" Come on, let's go ." 

" where to ? "  His confused expression was really funny. 

" Does it matter? Just follow me or...don't " Damon started walking towards the parking lot. " Maybe you'd rather stay here waiting like a fool. "

" No ! " 

He heard the boy's hasty pokes and smiled to himself. 

The boy was so easy to persuade.  Damon didn't know if taking Max with him was a good idea, but leaving him here alone didn't seem right either. 

They made it to the parking lot, where Damon approached a black motorcycle.

" Get on " Damon said, settling on the motorcycle and went on to give Max his helmet.  But Max didn't move. 

" What's happening ? "

" Emm... I've never been on a motorcycle before. " he wrinkled him brow while biting her lower lip nervously. 

" Are you afraid? "

The little elf nodded and that made a mocking laugh escape from Damon's lips. 

" Come on up.  Don't you trust me ?"

" Yes, I do ." And as a demonstration of the veracity of his words, Max got on the motorcycle and put on his helmet, to then encircle Damon's torso with his arms. 

" Ready ? "

" Yes " the boy whispered and Damon without needing to see him, he knew that he had his eyes closed. 

Damon put the motorcycle in gear and laughed as Max pressed closer against his back and his legs pressed hard against his.  And it's not that Damon was bad, but he took the liberty of going full throttle knowing that his companion probably had his heart on the verge of cardiac arrest. 

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