Chapter : 12

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Damon charged up the stairs at alarming speed.  It was ridiculous to be running from his mother, but such crazy things happened to that woman. 

He stopped abruptly in the middle of the hall, remembering that his room was on the first floor. What was he doing there then? He just wanted to know what his sister was doing to Max. 

He walked slowly, careful not to be heard.  He could almost imagine what he would find, maybe she was using Max as a doll, just like she was using Lucas. 

He walked to the open door and poked his head in stealthily.  Max and Fallen were sitting in the center of the room and Crush was stretched out on the bed watching carefully what they were doing. 

Damon shouldn't have smiled, but no one could blame him.  Max was wearing a ridiculous pink wool cap with cat ears, a few strands of his hair escaping unruly around the edges.  And to finish off the scene, Max was letting the Fallen paint his nails Cobalt Blue. 

Max didn't seem uncomfortable and even smiled and chatted comfortably with his sister.

Shaking his head (still not erasing his smile) Damon backed away and returned to the first floor. Lucas would not be very happy to know that someone had taken away his position as 'doll ' . 

Damon returned to the kitchen, of course he forced himself to put on his usual nonchalant expression . His mother gave him a mischievous smile when she saw him walk in, but she congratulated herself on staying calm. 

" Hey mom. "

" Yeah " answered the woman while she was chopping ingredients for the salad. 

" I just want to ask you not to ask Max about his parents. "

The woman turned to look at him with curiosity written all over her face.  Damon sighed. 

" They don't usually spend time with Max, according to what he told me.  They travel too much . He even thinks that his parents don't like him... just don't ask him, he gets really upset when he talks about it. "

His mother sized her up silently, then nodded. 

"It's a pity his parents neglect him so much." whispered Mrs. Isabel. " If Max were my son I would pamper him all the time. "

Damon fell silent and then made a decision… maybe, and just maybe, it was a good idea to lend his family to Max . He knew that his mother and his sister would take care of pampering him to exhaustion. 

'Maybe that way he'll stop feeling alone' Damon thought with a smile. 


Max had never been interested in painting his nails, he felt that it was drawing too much attention, but when Fallen asked him he simply could not refuse to do it and Surprise!  He liked the way his hands looked. 

"It looks good." He said with a smile, "you're very good at this." 

" Thank you " The girl's smile was bright. " I usually do this with Lucas when he comes to-visit, but he's so 'diva' " Fallen rolled her eyes.  " He's always complaining that the color doesn't suit him, that he doesn't match his eyes or his clothes... well, I like your more like me, but don't tell him." 

" I am a tomb. "

Max bit his lip wondering if the Fallen knew he was gay . And if she knew, did Damon tell her?  Did she figure it out on her own?  His thoughts were interrupted by Crush, who jumped out of bed and ran out of the room. 

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