Chapter : 7

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Max walked with a wrinkled forehead and a small pout on his lips. Usually the weekends were his favorite, since he could stay at home doing nothing or, better yet, spend all day with Ben and his family.

But that particular Saturday he had woken up falling out of bed, then when he was taking a shower the hot water ran out and he had to finish rinsing his hair with cold water. His breakfast toast had burned. And perhaps what bothered him a lot was the fact that he had come across that note stuck on the refrigerator: 'Your father and I have gone on a trip. We have deposited money in your account. Be good.'

His parents had not even said goodbye. In person, a measly note seemed to be all Max deserved. He didn't know if he was angry or sad or perhaps what bothered him the most was the fact that he was so used to the absence of his parents that he began to stop hurting.

The sun was shining warmly and the cool breeze would make that day a perfect Saturday. For Max however, it was the complete opposite. Worst of all, he didn't have Ben to help him not feel so bad.

His friend was at school, he had training with the Soccer team , At first he had thought that going to see how his friend showed off in training was a good idea, but then he remembered that both Henry and Brice would be there and they must hate him, he decided it wasn't a good idea to go.

In addition to the fact that the mere idea of ​​running into Jason Cooper did not please him at all, he still continued to think that the boy was a traitor.

On the other hand, he knew that coach Bradford hated that he showed up at training, he wasn't sure but he suspected that the coach was homophobic.

He sighed and kept walking with his hands hooked on the straps of his backpack. He was heading towards the supermarket, he needed to do the pantry and buy some yogurt, because he had eaten the last thing left for breakfast.

He was half an hour walking from his house and since the day was cool, he decided to go on foot. In his thoughts, the way. It seemed quite short and by the time he realized he was already arriving at the parking lot of the supermarket in question.

The place was considerably empty. which was strange considering that it was the weekend. He walked close to the metal fence that surrounded the entire diameter of the supermarket. Suddenly he looked up hearing a female scream.

" Let me go ! "

On the other side of the fence was a white truck parked against a brick wall. And right in that small space, a girl was being held by a man.

" I already told you to let me go ." said the girl .

The girl was small and slender. She was wearing a cute blue dress that came to her mid-thigh and her copper shimmer hair was loose over her shoulders.

A man put his hands on her arms and pushed her against the wall.

Max began to look around for someone who could intervene. Wasn't there supposed to be a security policeman in the parking lot? Finding no one, he made the decision to act.

He ran until he found the pedestrian entrance in the metal fence and then hurried to where the white truck was.

" If you don't move away I'm going to start screaming ." he heard what the girl was saying.

" Do it, you little fool and you're going to regret it ." the man hissed.

" Leave her alone! " Max squared his shoulders and tried to sound as threatening as possible, though he suspected the man's smirk meant it hadn't worked out the way he'd hoped.

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