Chapter : 18

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Jason was leaning against the railing that led to the stairs to the roof, next to him Henry was sprawled on the first step.  They were supposed to be in English class at the moment, but truth be told, Henry sucked at English and Jason wasn't in the mood for classes. 

In fact, the captain was not in the mood for any classes.  His mind was stuck in the previous day when he believed that he would finally get closer to Max and then Damon Colter appeared to ruin the moment. What was the worst of all ?  Well, it was useless to have spent so much on the box of chocolates if in the end Max was more excited with Damon's gift. 

As much as it hurt , Jason had begun to get used to the idea that Max was out of his league , because there was a chance that the Max had feelings for Colter and if he did , as much as it bothered him , he would not interfere between them , but Of course , before he had to be sure that he did not have a shred of chance . 

" I'm fucking talking to you! " And in addition to that scream, Henry dared to hit him on the neck. " What the hell are you thinking to be so distracted? "

"I was thinking of Max." As soon as he said it he regretted it. 

Henry narrowed his eyes and watched him carefully. " Lately I've seen you very close to that brat and it gives me a bad feeling. "

" It's just..." The boy snorted annoyed and looked away with his jaw clenched

" I'm going to ask you just once Jason and I really hope you answer me truthfully "

The captain agreed

" Do you like Maxwell Kinght? " 

Jason froze. Was he that obvious?  He didn't think that was the case, what happened was that Henry could become very observant when something made him curious or worried him. 

The problem here was that Jason wasn't sure he wanted to answer that question out loud.  But Henry was his best friend and he trusted him.  It is assumed that he did. 

" And if so? " He whisper . " Would you stop talking to me? "

" You haven't answered me. "

" Well, yes, I think I like Max. "

Henry stared at him with a picture-perfect look of disbelief and at any other time Jason would have laughed. 

" You got to be kidding ? " Henry stood up and ran a hand through his hair . " What do you see in that brat?  Also, in case you haven't noticed, he's a boy."

" And now you will tell me that you are homophobic? " Jason smiled with disappointment

" It's not that, it's just that it seems so strange to me.  You have always liked girls and now out of nowhere you come up with this " Henry sat down on the steps again.  " Also, if I remember correctly, until recently you used to make fun of the brat when you ran into him in the corridors and now you treat him as if he were made of gold. "

"What happens is that I gave myself the opportunity to meet him." The captain sighed with a smile pulling his lips. " Max is very nice, funny and very, very sweet.  He has that ability to infect you with his good humor, damn he's adorable and cute. "

" Enough! " Henry covered his ears in a rather childish gesture. " I can't with so much corniness.  I don't want to hear you say all that nonsense. "

Jason rolled his eyes and stood in front of his friend. 

" If you don't want to hear this, does it mean that you want me to lie to you?

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