Chapter : 14

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Damon nearly laughed as Max's huge blue eyes widened.  There was no doubt that the little elf had never been to a party.  He placed his hand on the Max's neck, he liked the way Max shuddered under his touch. 

"Let's go inside." he said, leading the brunette to the noisy interior of the house. 

The music was blaring making it hard to hear even his thoughts.  The house was packed and most of the people were dancing frantically, with glasses of what was most certainly beer in their hands. 

Damon stood on his toes, looking through the crowd for Scott and Lucas, but they weren't there. 

" Can we get something to drink?" Max yelled. 

" Ok !" 

They entered the house, meandering through the corridors. 

Damon glanced over his shoulder every once in a while just to make sure Max was still there . They reached the kitchen . On the center counter were a large number of red glasses and Max didn't think twice to run over to them and grab one, he tipped it over... but before he could  drink, Damon hand stop him .

"Why did you do that ? " Max complained, puffing out his cheeks " I'm thirsty. "

Damon sighed.  " Those glasses are full of beer. "

Max opened his mouth in surprise.

" And I would venture to say that you have never drunk a drop of alcohol. " 

" No, I've never done it..."

" Then it would be crazy for you to do it today ." Damon began to look around until he found a cooler full of soda cans . He took one and passed it to him. 

"Better drink this."

" Thank you ! " Max grinned at him making Damon's heart do a somersault. That was a damn precious smile. 

They stayed in the kitchen because the music there was not so deafening . But that didn't stop them from noticing when the team members made their grand entrance. 

Damon snorted irritably.  He didn't understand why they were making such a fuss, it was as if they had won the championship, when it was just a game in the playoffs.

" Are parties always like this? " Max asked. 

" No, rich kid parties are like that." Damon didn't like going to those parties, in fact he was at that damn party just for Max. 

He hated all the pretense of popular kids…guys like Jason Cooper who breathed and ate arrogance, or so Damon thought. 

Max nodded while continuing to drink the soda . It was like seeing a curious little animal that was discovering a new environment. 

Damon inevitably wanted to hug him and the force of that need knocked him out for a second.  He came back to reality just in time to realize how Jason Cooper was coming closer with his eyes fixed on Max and with that shit-eating smile plastered on his face. 

' In your dreams. ' Damon thought, spinning around, blocking Max's field of vision. 

" Hey little elf, do you want to go to the garden?  It's just that it's very hot in here. "

" Alright ."

Damon managed to surround Max, preventing him from noticing the captain's presence. 

It felt so good to screw up Jason's plans. 

Jason stood in the middle of the kitchen with a creased forehead and a sick feeling in his stomach. 

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