Chapter : 16

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Two weeks had passed since the party, since Max had gotten drunk, since they had kissed . And in all that time Damon had been alternating between relief and disappointment. 

A part of him was relieved, since Max didn't remember anything that happened when he was drunk and that was fine or at least that was what Damon constantly told himself . Then there was that part of him that was disappointed . He wanted Max to remember what happened because there were times when he was tempted to grab him by the shoulders and say,  ' Remember, dammit! We kissed. Is it fair that only I am freaking out over it? '  But in the end he did not dare to say anything. 

Two weeks and every day it was getting harder to ignore the way his heart raced every time Max got close . And God !  Sometimes he wasn't even aware of the moment he ended up approaching the little elf, by the time he realized he was already sitting next to him or even worse, he had an arm around his shoulders. 

Damon was going crazy with confusion.  Many times he had considered getting away from Max, but that was almost impossible considering that the little elf spent a lot of time at his house and he would be lying if he said he didn't like it, in fact it calmed him down because seeing Max smile was becoming of his favorite things.  In short, he was screwed.

" Then I guess we could go bowling, I think it's a good plan. " Lucsa said as they walked down the corridor, it was lunchtime and this time they had decided to go eat on the roof .

" What do you think ? "

"Sounds good to me." Scott and Ben agreed at the same time. 

"I don't know how to play." Max confessed with a nervous giggle. 

"Calm down, I'll teach you." Damon said, ruffling his hair and then he froze when the others stared at him suspiciously. 

" Yeah ! " Max hugged him. " I'd like to learn, I've always wanted to and actually tried, but Ben lost his temper before he could."

" It is that you are very distracted! "

" That is not true ! "

" Yes it is Maxi, accept it. "

"No ..."

"Accept it."  Ben started to move closer with an expression of false threat. 

And Max, without thinking twice, hide behind Damon, barely sticking his face out of one of his sides. 

" I'm not going to accept it and you can't make me . " He smiled mockingly. 

Lucsa and Scott just watched the scene with amusement. 

" We'll see about that, brat. " Ben ran and surrounded Damon to try to grab Max and he almost succeeded. 

" Damon! Distract him while I escape! " Max yelled before running off. 

" I'm going to get you..." Ben made to follow him but he didn't take two steps before he was slammed back and he ended up on top of him.

" What the hell is wrong with you, Colter? " 

"I only did what Max asked me to" He smiled broadly without realizing what he had said. 

" You see, Scott " suddenly Lucas laughed, " I told you that Max has him eating out of his hand."

Damon felt his stomach tighten and his smile slowly faded, replaced by his usual scowl. 

' He's got him eating out of his hand ' he shuddered at that thought and without thinking twice he turned on his heel and started walking in the opposite direction. 

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