Chapter : 4

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He felt sad and guilty. All he wanted was to go and apologize to Damon, he hadn't meant to drench the boy with soda, but he wasn't that surprised either. At least he had been just sweaty, not like the time he spilled a cup of hot coffee on Ben's dad, that's if he had been a dog.

Even knowing that it had all been an accident , he could not help but wonder what would be the best way to fix his mistake and apologize to Damon , but all his attempts were frustrated when Damon's dark and cold gaze told him that he was not welcome .

He sighed and dropped his head back against the desk.

"Does my class bore you, Knight?"

He mentally cursed and lifted his head, putting on the best apologetic smile he had on his lips.

Professor Ashley looked at him with a frown and her lips pursed into a thin line.

"I'm sorry, I swear I'll pay attention..."

"No" the woman rolled her eyes and walked to his table to then look at a stack of books "better go to the library and return those pounds. They are the ones we used in the previous class."

" Yes, Miss Ashley " Max said, standing up.

He knew that refusal was worse. The language teacher was not known for her patience. And either way, he preferred to get out of class and get some air.

" Miss Ashley! " Lily Price desperately raised her hand. " Those books are very heavy, if you like I can accompany Max to the library. "

" It's not necessary, you're not very good in my class to skip it with the excuse of being a good Samaritan. "

Max felt sorry for the girl, her cheeks had turned red from her embarrassment, so he gave her a grateful smile. He knew it worked when Lily nodded and he nodded back.

"Well, but I guess Price is right, so there's no one better to help him carry these books than our accommodating captain..." the sarcasm in the woman's voice was hard to ignore. "Jason Cooper, please help your classmate to carry these book to the library. "

Max shuddered with pure fear when he saw how Jason got up from the back of the room with an annoyed face.

' At least Henry is not here ' Max thought with some relief and it was really lucky that he did not share the language class with that boy . On the other hand, he didn't share that class with Ben either and that wasn't fun anymore.

" I want them back before the class ends, understood? "

" Yes " said both boys taking half of the pile of books each.

Max didn't know what to say, he felt uncomfortable as he walked next to Jason. Should he break the silence or was it better to keep quiet? He opted for the latter, not that he had anything in common with Jason after all.

" Why so quiet, little butterfly? " Jason said in his ear, making him jump in fright. " Are you afraid of me? "

"N-no" he lied.

" I'm not going to do anything to you ."

He was surprised to hear the sincerity in Jason's voice. The taller one gave him a lopsided smile. He was quite attractive.

" I know it's not you who wrote me the letter. "

Max stopped his path and stared at him in disbelief. " H-how did you know? "

"I recognize the handwriting." the captain confessed, shrugging his shoulders without stopping walking. " Lily price sits next to me in biology class ."

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