The First Friend

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As soon as the master's children signaled the start, everyone was gone.

Y/n ran, trying to avoid any other slayers. The first day went pretty smoothly, she slayed every demon she came across without a scratch on her.

The second day, however was a bit different.

As she was taking a break in a small cave she had found, she heard screaming.

Immediately, she jumped up and had unsheathed her sword.

After searching around to see what the commotion was about, she saw one of the boys from earlier, his maroon hair flowing with the wind as he fought a demon as big as a house. He seemed to be water breather.

'Just like Tomioka,' she thought.

She joined him in fighting the huge demon. It had many hands, but she didn't have much of a problem with it. After they had defeated it, she started to leave. Better not to stay in the same place for to long.

"Excuse me Miss, but may I know your name?" The maroon-haired boy said. He was surprisingly polite for someone who was just fighting demons.

"Oh, I'm Y/n Kanroji!" She said. Mitsuri had told her to use her last name because they were basically sisters.

'Mitsuri is so sweet!' She thought.

"I'm Tanjiro Kamado!" He replied with a smile.

She smiled back and then vanished.

The next few days went by the same as the first, with nothing exciting happening besides occasionally hearing some maniac laughing in the trees telling people to 'fight him'. She ignored it though, thinking you would have to be at least little bit crazy to join the demon slayers.

On the fourth day, she heard more screaming, and rushed to the scene.

When she got there, she saw a blonde boy on the ground screaming and flailing his limbs.

She immediately unsheathed her sword.

                 Blood Breathing
                        8th Form:
      Transfusion After Blood Loss

Y/n performed a simple, light slash to offer a painless death.

She sheathed her bloody sword and ran over to the boy.

"Hey, are you okay? You're not hurt, are you?" She said sitting down next to him.

His face turned pink.

"YES I'M PERFECTLY FINE!!!" He yelled quickly.

"You're face is pink," she said, putting her hand on his forehead,"You don't have a fever, do you?"

His face turned an impossible shade of red.

"I'M FINE I PROMISE!!!" He shouted.

She didn't know why he was screaming, but she got up and helped him up anyways.

Then she started to walk away.

"H-HEY, DON'T LEAVE ME HERE ALONE!!!" He screamed after her, running to catch up to her.

He followed her whining and trying to convince her to let him staywith her.

"But I don't even know your name." She said.

He stopped.

He hadn't thought of that.

"I'm Zenitsu Agatsuma." He said,"What's your name?"

"Y/n Kanroji." She said plainly.

"Will you let me travel with you now???" Zenitsu whined.

She sighed.

"Only if you stop whining!" She huffed.

They ended up talking a lot and becoming friends.

'My first friend,' She thought happily.

Soon they made it out of the woods. The master's children were explaining things when all of a sudden, the black-haired boy came up and grabbed one of them by the head, yelling about the color-changing katanas they were all supposed to get.

Tanjiro, the boy from earlier, started yelling at him and ended up breaking his arm with his brute strength.

"Scary," Zenitsu muttered beside her.

After that, they all walked up to the front to choose the metal their swords would be made out of. They also received their Kasugai crows, although Zenitsu received a sparrow instead (which he was not happy about). Y/n then headed back home, after reassuring Zenitsu that they would definitely see each other again.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

Now the question is, do you meet the Kamaboko Squad before or after they all meet each other? 🤔 (Basically should you meet them before, after, or during the demon mansion arc)

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