Daki and Gyutaro

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Alright guys, a little bit nervous, I plan to make this chapter really long so sorry if it took a while!

This is the first fight I've written, so let me know how I did at the end!

Oh and, I'll be using the 'vision' of Y/n in the Art Contest to describe her just to make it a little bit easier.

You can replace it with your oc's version!

Anyways, here we go.

Y/n made her way to the building, followed by the sleeping Zenitsu and lively Inosuke.

When they arrived, Uzui and Gyutaro seemed to be talking.

'Tsk. These stupid demons sure love to talk don't they.' Y/n thought to herself, getting angrier by the second.

Suddenly, Tanjiro burst into the other side of the room.

"These are my Tsugohiki, and we're gonna take you down!" Uzui shouted, finishing his speech.

Then the battle had begun.

Right as Uzui started to lunge at Gyutaro, Daki's belt flew right at Y/n.

She was about to deflect it, but was interrupted by the buzz of the air around her, along with the familiar 'boom' of thunder.

Zenitsu had activated his power, seemingly flying through the roof, pushing Daki upward.

Y/n followed immediately, landing on the roof with as much grace as ever.

Daki pushed him away from her, and he landed next to Y/n.

"Its you two! You brats are in my way again!?" Daki screeched.

Zenitsu's lips parted as he began to speak.

His words rung out like thunder and he spoke slowly, making her heart race.

"You need to apologize to the girl who's ear you pulled." He said lowly,"Even if it was your earnings that kept the house afloat, that does not make those girls your property."

"Really? Well that's not how it works here! Here in the Flower District, women are bought and sold like objects! People who have no beauty are worthless!" Daki yelled back.

Zenitsu huffed an angry sigh that seemed to reach the depths of Y/n's soul. He was mad. And she never wanted this anger to be pointed at her.

Inosuke jumped onto the roof, breaking the intense tension by yelling something about how creepy Daki's 'wormbelt' was.

Daki thrusted her belt at them, making it come from every direction.

Blood Breathing: 4th Form
Slicing Vessels

Y/n slashed in front of her, deflecting the belts hurtling towards her.

The belts kept coming, causing her to perform similar moves again and again.

Daki realized this and started predicting her moves.

Just as Y/n had blocked one set of belts, another came, leaving her no time to recover from her previous attack, which left her completely out of breath.

She braced herself to be hit by the flexible things, but instead felt a strong pair of arms wrap around her once again.

She was lifted up and out of the belts' attack by Zenitsu, saving her for the second time.

She was relieved when he set her back down to block the next attack.

"I will protect Y/n." He muttered.

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