Oiran Waribihime pt. 2

431 7 56

TW: !slight cursing!

Zenitsu and Y/n had almost made it to their room, unexpertly navigating the complex halls.

Zenitsu stopped in the middle of the hallway, confusing her.

He furrowed his brows in concentration.

"I hear a girl crying." He says, glancing at one of the halls before sprinting down it.

All Y/n could do was follow him as he followed the sound.

They eventually reached the room she seemed to be in, which was wrecked beyond belief.

There were things strowed everywhere, various books and clothing all over the floor, and the walls were stained.

In the center of the room was a small girl who seemed to be quite beat up.

"WHAT THE HELL?! WHY IS YOUR ROOM SO MESSY???" Zenitsu yelled in shock.

The girl glanced back revealing blood trickling down her bruised face. She cried harder at Zenitsu's loud tone.

"Oh, hey don't cry!" He said glancing down the hallways.

He ran into the room just as Y/n caught up, panting harshly in the doorway.

"What's wrong? Who did this to you? I'm sorry I yelled, I wasn'tmad I swear! I was just—surprised. That's all!" He said in a more gentle tone.

Y/n couldn't help but smile at how sweet he was being.

The girl, however, didn't seem to appreciate his kindness and instead started crying harder.

"Hey, there's no need to cry," Y/n said in a soft tone, crouching down to meet the girl's gaze,"You're safe now, no matter who it is that hurt you, we'll protect you sweetie!"

Zenitsu was amazed at this side of her, blushing the slightest bit at her demeanor.

Suddenly, a shadow was cast over them all, causing the two slayers to look back.

There stood a beautiful woman with a scowl on her face.

She had long dark hair and cat-like eyes.

"You there. What do you think you're doing in my room?" She said in a cold, harsh tone.

There was no doubt about it. This woman was a powerful demon disguised as a human.

"O-oiran Waribihime-! Those girls are brand new! They just started yesterday! P-please have mercy!" Stuttered a few small girls who had gathered in the doorway.

"And? So what if they're new?" She practically spat.

"I'm sorry if I intruded, y-you see, I saw that this room was a mess, and I heard a girl crying in here so-" Zenitsu said, although it barely came out as a whisper.

"You. Why are you so damn hideous." She glared at Zenitsu as she said it,"My goodness. Looking at you makes me ill. Girls like you are better off dead."

Y/n could feel her blood start to boil.

"And what's with that hair? You stick out like a sore thumb." She added.

Y/n was taken aback by her mean remarks. She loved Zenitsu bright blonde hair because it was different. Out of the ordinary. And it reminded her of her big sister's abnormally colored hair, too.

She was able to hold herself back with much difficulty.

"And you. You think you're big stuff just because a few of the girls here think you okay looking?" She snapped, turning her attention towards Y/n,"Wrong. You are the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. I honestly can't believe that you would dare to show your face looking like that."

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