Oiran Waribihime

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"Did you see the new girls?"

"No, we took in more?"

"Yes! That one's name is Zenko!"


"Yes, but the only thing I know about her is that she has quite the taste for music!"

"Its a pity about her looks, though..."

"Well I heard she has a sister, too and the main reason they even took Zenko in is because of her sister's beauty!"


"Yeah and I also heard someone say that her beauty rivals the Oiran's!"

"I wouldn't say that if I were you! You know she's always listening..."

"Oh, look! I think Zenko's sister is coming!"

P.O.V. change: (Zenitsu's P.O.V.)

I sat there playing the shamisen while Y/n went to go talk to the master regarding ters and conditions and all that boring stuff.I would have never guessed that Y/n was actually an amazing businesswoman. I was honestly struggling to find things she wasn't good at.

There was only one thing that I knew I was good at.


That's why this was the perfect house for me to be in.The Kyogoku house specialized in music and instruments, which is where my perfect pitch came in.I could play any instrument just from hearing it once.

I was going to use my instrument knowledge to woe Y/n. That was my plan.

I could hear the women in the corner gossiping about us, and decided to listen in. I heard them talking about how beautiful Y/n was rumored to be and inwardly snickered.

Just wait until you see her in person.

Suddenly, I heard them say that she was coming, and started playing one of the prettiest song I could.

You see, that was were most music guys went wrong. They try to play intense, complicated music to impress women, when in reality, women want something that's beautiful, soft, and slow. This was hard to achieve with a shamisen, as its sound is usually anything but soft and sweet. But with Y/n as my motivation, I somehow pulled it off.

(This is the best I could find you can change it if you want)

I started the song as soon as she walked in, hoping she would like it.

P.O.V. change: (Y/n's P.O.V.)

Once my talk with the master was over, I made my way back to the room Zenitsu (or should I say Zenko?) was at.

My entire walk there was uncomfotable, as everyone there seemed to be staring at me. Whispers followed me the entire way and I hated it. I hurried back to Zenitsu, knowing I would feel safer with him by my side.

Lately I've caught myself gravitating towards him any time I can. I don't know why but I seem to be pulled towards him.

As I finally arrived to the room, a soft beautiful tune drowned out my thoughts. I slowly walked in to realize Zenitsu was playing the music. I knew that everyone was staring at me but I didn't pay it any attention.

I slowly made my way to Zenitsu. His hair was shadowing his face and the air seemed to buzz. I had always had a strong connection to music, with music like this often causing me to cry.

Therefore it was no surprise when I felt wet, hot, tears streaming down my cheeks. I didn't even bother trying to hide them because everyone had already seen.

The song came to an end with one last stroke of the instrument and Zenitsu looked up.

A look of worry passed over his face immediately and he was on his feet in an instant.

"Y/n, are you okay?! Why are you crying?! Was it because of my music I didn't mean to!-"

"I'm fine," I cut him off, wiping my tears,"Music just makes me emotional sometimes...That was really good by the way, I didn't know you could play the Shamisen!"

He still looked worried.

Zenitsu lifted his hand up to cup my cheek.

"You're sure your okay?" he asked, looking me in the eyes.

My heart fluttered at his deeper voice, which he usually only used when he was asleep.

I felt my cheeks get really hot but managed a nod. I was sure I looked pretty stupid with my eyes wide open, nodding my head up and down really hard.

Zenitsu seemed to notice what he was doing and immediately pulled his hand away, apologizing.

We then decided to head back to the room we would be sharing.

Little did we know, neither of us would stay in that room.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

I'm thinking about making a kny one shot book so probably look out for that! Also sorry for the lack in updates, I'm having just a little bit of writers block, but I will definitely try to pick back up!

Anyways, hope you have a great rest of your day, peace!

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