Final Selection

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After a long journey, Y/n arrived at Final Selection, along with at least 40 other slayers.

Although the wisteria gave her a tingly feeling, she was immune to it too.

As she stood there listening to the master's children explain everything, a few people stood out amongst the rest.(I can smell the comments.)

A boy with dark maroon hair.

A calm-looking girl she had seen around the demon slayer village.

Two other boys, who looked completely opposite, one with fair hair, who looked scared out of his wits, and one with dark hair who looked completely confident.

And lastly, a boy wearing a boar mask without a shirt on.

Y/n brushed her h/c hair out of her eyes, mentally preparing herself for the battle ahead.

She stayed silent, as always, hoping no one would notice the aura of a demon she gave off. Everyone seemed to be avoiding her, but no one confronted her, which she was happy about.

And then, Final Selection started.

Let me know who we should end up teaming up with during Final Selection! (They'll probably be our future bestie.) ♡

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