The New Mission

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"Hey you two love birds! Inosuke just got back if you want to see him!" Aoi yelled, interrupting the hug Zenitsu and Y/n had been sharing.

They both blushed deeply and backed away from each other.

Y/n started to leave, but Zenitsu grabbed her arm before she could.


"Wait. Before you go, I need to tell you something." He said in a serious tone.

She stopped.

"I know you think that I won't like you anymore because you're a demon, but that's not true. Even if you're a demon, you're still you. You're still the same Y/n who saved me at Final Selection, and you're still the same Y/n that I-" he blushed deeply,"nevermind that last part, but still! I want you to be honest with me. Are you a demon?"

He didn't sound like he was asking for clarification. He was asking to ensure that she trusted him.

She hesitated. Pondering whether or not she could get away if she ran. He still had his hand on her arm, so she decided not.

"Y-yes. I am a demon. But I still wonder if you would feel the same knowing that the Demon King is my father..." she whispered the last part, expecting him not to hear her.

She didn't know about his hearing.

His eyes widened into saucers.

"Wh-what?!?!?" He had guessed that she was a demon, but not that she was Muzan Kibutsugi's daughter.

She gasped.

"You heard that?!?!?!" She looked worried.

"Y-yes...but it still won't change how I feel about you!" He yelled with a determined look on his face.

She was surprised for a moment, then she smiled.

Pink once again dusted his cheeks.

"Thank you, Zenitsu." She said softly.

Then she walked away, leaving him to blush to himself, thinking about all that had just happened under the wisteria tree.


"Inosuke!" She shouted happily.

"BOUT' TIME YOU WOKE UP" He yelled back.

She smiled.

"Thank you for worrying about me." She replied gleefully.

"WHO SAID THAT I-" He was cut off as Tanjiro walked in.

"Y/n! You're awake!" He said happily, running towards her for a hug.

She simply smiled as he wrapped his arms around her.

P.O.V change: (Zenitsu's P.O.V)

After I had got over what happened, I happily walked over to where Aoi said Inosuke was, assuming Y/n was there too.

While she was asleep, I had realized something.

That feeling I got when I saw her, was love.

Unlike any 'love' that I had thought I had experienced before.

I loved her so much.

I would happily give my life for her, even if she wouldn't do the same for me.

All I wanted was for her to let me love her.

She didn't need to do the same for me.

This was good enough for me.

Just being around her made me happier than ever.

At least, that's what I thought.

As I walked into the area, I saw Tanjiro hugging her tightly as she smiled.

Then another feeling I had never felt before came over me.

Here was one of my best friends, but for the split second that he was touching her, rage and malice filled my mind. I was starting to see red.

It all stopped when he let her go though. I wonder why.

P.O.V change: (Tanjiro's P.O.V)

As I came back from my mission, I hoped that Y/n was okay. I was genuinely worried that she wouldn't wake up.

Although I wasn't near as affected as Zenitsu.

He was so distraught.

I felt bad for him and hoped things would work out.

Y/n was a good person, and I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. She didn't deserve it.

I could always sense a dark, demon-like aura from her, but I just figured it was because of her breathing style.

When I walked in and saw her, I was really happy. I was glad she woke up.

I hugged her on impulse, and she smiled.

Her smile was always bright, the kind of smile that everyone around her wanted to see.

Suddenly, as I was hugging her I smelled something sour.

It was coming from behind me, and it smelled like the emotion malice.

It was an intense hatred and it seemed to be directed towards me.

I immediately let Y/n go and turned around, but as soon as I had stopped hugging her, the smell was gone, and Zenitsu ran up, yelling at Inosuke, who had been screaming the whole time.

I was filled with confusion, then realized something.

As Y/n grabbed Zenitsu's arm, telling him to calm down, I smelled another emotion from Zenitsu. I looked down as I thought.

'Does Y/n?'

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

I thought it'd be fun to see Tanjiro's P.O.V as Zenitsu realized how he really felt, kinda like an outside view.

Anyways, can't wait to see the outcome of the Art Contest, and hope you all have a wonderful day! The next arc is Mugen Train (Rengoku WILL live) so anyways, peace! ✌️

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