The Sword

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Everyone gasped as her sword changed colors.

Her sword had not transformed into any of the normal colors. It was a deep crimson color with black accents.

"WHAT!?!?! I WAS SURE THAT YOUR SWORD WOULD TURN PINKKKK!!!!!"The swordsmith screamed, seeming rather upset.

"This is a rather strange occurance," Gyomei agreed,

"So where's the demon?" Muichiro asked lightly,

"What demon?" Obanai asked,

"I thought we came here to slay a demon," he tilted his head,


After everyone settled down, the swordsmith left and they all went home. They decided that her sword color was just a product of her breathing style.


Y/n ran through the demon slayer village, trying to make it to the south side in time.

She had slept in and completely forgotten about her training session with Tomioka.

When she arrived, she was all out of breath, but she had made it just on time.

'Thank goodness,' she thought worriedly,'if I hadn't made it here I'm scared he would have hurt himself.' (Not Y/n worrying about Giyu's mental health)

"You're here. Good." He stated calmly. His voice was always soft but firm, yet she could always sense a sort of softness to his words.

"Yep!" She smiled,"Can't wait to train with you!!!"

He tried to remain serious, but she was sure she saw a small smile grace his lips despite his attempt.

Soon they were training.

Tomioka taught her how to make straight, strong cuts with her sword.

She learned that although water breathing wasn't the fastest style, but it was definitely very strong.

In the midst of their training, someone knocked on the door.

Tomioka had a look of confusion on his face that seemed to say,'No one ever visits me, who's at my door? '

He walked towards the door and when he opened it, the both of them saw a man with blonde hair, and red at the tips. It was none other than the Flame Hashira.

"Hello Tomioka!" He yelled, which was normal for him,"I heard that you and Y/n were going to be training today so I have brought you some lunch!"

Y/n smiled warmly. Out of all the Hashiras, Rengoku was definitely one of her favorites.

"Thank you Rengoku!" She gleamed.

Tomioka invited him in and they all ate together. There were really only two Hashiras that were nice to Tomioka, and Mitsuri happened to be close to both of them. There was Rengoku, obviously, and then there was Shinobu, who Mitsuri said had a crush on Tomioka.

Y/n giggled at the thought. She hoped one day the two of them could be happy together.

Once they were done eating, Rengoku offered to help with the training session, which the both of them gladly accepted.

Flame Breathing was much like Water Breathing, as they both focused on the sheer force behind each strike. Once they were done training, Rengoku went home.

Y/n was about to do the same when Tomioka looked like he remembered something, and told her to wait in the greeting room.

He came back out with a box and a wagon full of things like a small pillow, a bowl, a collar with a bell, and lots of other things for an animal.

"Here." He said, handing her the small box,"You fell asleep at the party so I couldn't give it to you."

She opened the box to see a small grey and white kitten. It looked only a few weeks old.

(This is the cutest kitty ever so this is what [she? i guess] looks like)

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(This is the cutest kitty ever so this is what [she? i guess] looks like)

Y/n's face melted in awe.

"She's adorable!!!" She exclaimed, immediately pulling Tomioka into tight embrace. A light pink color brushed his cheeks. He didn't seem like he was used to being touched, but lightly hugged her back.

"It was Mitsuri's idea." He explained,

She smiled. She didn't care. This was easily the best gift she had ever received.

"I'll name her Hana! My little flower..." She said, stroking the kitty's ear.

(Hana means flower in japanese and that's kinda Y/n's theme so yah. By the way, you all better say Hi to Hana, because she is the most adorable cat I've ever seen)


After she got home and introduced Mitsuri to Hana, she set Hana's bed and litter box up in her room, watching the small kitten chase a cat toy as big as she was around the room.

Y/n picked her up and smiled while holding her up. Eventually, she passed out from exhaustion, with her new kitty in her arms sleeping just as peacefully.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed! I know it's been a little slow, but it will pick back up in the next few chapters.

A little bit of extra info: Hana is a familiar, and can understand and listen to Y/n.

Next question: Which of the Kamaboko Squad do we encounter first (they'll bring us to meet the Kamaboko Squad later) on our mission to the mountain??? I personally was thinking maybe our favorite boar-headed beast, since we haven't really seen him all that much, but as always, what do you guys think?

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