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Y/n woke to the familiar ceiling of the Butterfly Mansion.

She sat up, with much difficulty.

"Oh, you're awake already?" Aoi asked, eyes widened in surprise.

"Yeah but my head hurts..." she groaned back,"How long was I out this time?"

"Only two days," she replied, her eyes still big, "You're the first one up,"

Y/n slowly got up from the bed and started making her way to the door.

"Where are my regular clothes?" She asked, glancing back to Aoi.

"What?! You can't just leave the second you wake up! Your body needs time to recover!" She scolded.

"I know! I'm just going to Mitsuri's house I promise!" She said quickly.

Aoi sighed.

"I don't have the energy to deal with you today. Your clothes are in that closet." She huffed, leaving the room.

Once Y/n had changed and talked to Shinobu about the boys, she headed out the door.

On her way to Mitsuri's house, she thought about what Shinobu had said.

Inosuke had been stabbed in the chest, but moved his organs and evaded being killed.

Tanjiro was in a coma, and Zenitsu's legs were broken.

None of them had woken up yet, but were expected to make a full recovery.

She was relieved they were all okay, humming a happy tune as she walked.

She hadn't seen Mitsuri or Hana since she woke up after the mission on Natagumo Mountain, and was excited to see them.

Mitsuri's house happened to be on the other side of town from the Butterfly Mansion, which had stopped her from going there often. Although, now she was quite happy for the distance, afraid a certain someone would hear what they were talking about if he woke up.

Although she did want to see the two of them again, she also had a real reason for going.


"Advice?" Mitsuri asked, tilting her head to the side.

Y/n nodded.

She had arrived at the house, and was immediately tackled by Mitsuri and Hana the second she walked in the door.

They were now in the living room, sitting down to have a serious conversation.

"Well, I'm not the best at things like that, but I'll try to help the best I can!" She cheered.

"Actually, I think you're the most qualified person for me to talk to about this..." she replied, a light blush creeping onto her cheeks.

Mitsuri's face lit up immediately.

"I need help with.......a boy," Y/n whimpered, covering her face with her hands.

"YAAAY YOU FINALLY HAVE YOUR FIRST CRUSH EEEEE!!!" The pink haired girl squealed.

Y/n simply looked down, resting her hands in her lap.

"Well...not exactly..." she mumbled.

Mitsuri looked confused.

"I think I might be..." she continued, her voice dropping down to barely a whisper," love,"

Mitsuri's eyes seemed to sparkle as she grabbed her hands.


"Fine...but do you know if this house is farther than a kilometer away from the Butterfly Mansion?" She asked hesitantly.

"I mean I guess," Mitsuri said with confusion,"It is across the town and I know the town is a lot bigger than that,"

"Okay good..." she sighed, looking around to make sure they were still alone,"I think I'm in love...with Zenitsu..."

Her voice was barely even loud enough for Mitsuri to hear, but she happened to hear the name, which was all she needed.

"YOU MEAN THAT CUTE THUNDER GUY!?!?!?!?" She yelled in excitement.

"Shhh keep it down he'll hear you!!!" Y/n whisper-yelled.

"From here?" Mitsuri looked at her in disbelief.

"He has super hearing," she explained.

"OHHHHH that explains a lot!" Mitsuri replied.

"So what do I do?" Y/n muttered softly, a nervous look plastered on her delicate features.

"Why do you even need to ask?! Its obvious he feels the same!!!" Mitsuri exclaimed.

"I'm not so sure..." she said sadly,"He seems to be in love with Nezuko..."

"What!?!?! No way have you seen the way he looks at you!?!?!?" Mitsuri yelled.

"But he's always asking her to marry him or go on dates with him, along with always bringing her flowers and things..." she whimpered, looking down at the ground.

"I'm pretty sure he's just trying to make you jealous." Mitsuri reasoned.

"Well then its definitely worked." She said sadly.

"Well try flirting with him! I'm sure if you show interest he'll get the picture! And maybe try showing your jealousy a little! Don't do anything mean of course, but have a reaction! It'll make him curious and he'll ask about it! That will also serve as a hint!!!" Mitsuri said, beginning to ramble.

"Okay...if you're sure it will work..." Y/n looked towards the older girl, puppy dog eyes staring up.

"It will! I'm the love Hashira for a reason, y'know!" Mitsuri smiled,"Oh yeah! The master said Hana was going to replace your Kasugai Crow as well!"

"Wait, really!?" She yelled, glancing at the small kitten, fast asleep in her bed.

"Yep! You both want to see each other so the master thought it was only fair!" She replied happily.

After that they chatted about all different things, and soon it was time for Y/n to head back.

They said they're goodbyes and Y/n headed back to the Butterfly Mansion with a newfound confidence.

She was going to make sure Zenitsu knew how she felt, even if she was too shy to tell him directly.

It was time for her to use something she had originally learned from Uzui and Rengoku. Something so powerful, it would make anyone fall for you if you do it enough (according to Uzui and Rengoku).

She was going to bombard Zenitsu with pick-up lines.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

Okay, I love pickup lines and I feel like Uzui and Rengoku would definitely tell them for fun.

I forgot last chapter but I'm pretty sure one of you asked a character question so I'll add the answer now:

<         >

Q: Tanjiro, how do you feel about Y/n?


Author: Remember Tanjiro, this won't affect the story and no one will know what you said.



'Fine, I'll tell you the full truth. I care about Y/n deeply, and you could even say that I have slight feelings for her, but deep down, I know she's in love with Zenitsu. I'm not mad about it though, because he's a good guy and I know it could be way worse. All I know is that he better treat her right, or else I'm gonna-!

Author: Woah there, Tanjiro! No need to get violent!!! I thought you were a cinnamon roll :(

<           >

Anyways, have a great rest of your day and peace ✌️

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