Pickup Lines

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Y/n started her rehabilitation training the next day.

Zenitsu and Inosuke both woke up three days after her, and soon they joined her.

Y/n had been thinking about pickup lines to use ever since she talked to Mitsuri.

One day, during rehabilitation training, she finally got up the courage.

Uzui had told her to be confident, and he had three wives, so she trusted his words.

"Hey Zenitsu!" She smiled, walking up to him.

"Oh, hey Y/n!" He replied cheerfully.

"Are we doing high altitude training?" She asked, giving him a confused look.

"What? No, we're—"

"Because you took my breath away," she continued, flashing him a crooked grin.

He stared at her for a minute, then realized what she meant as a huge blush and nervous look crept up his face.

She then walked away like nothing happened, secretly blushing just as hard as him.

Later, they were all sitting around talking, asking questions about everyone because they had realized they didn't know much about each other.

"Hey Zenitsu!" She called, grabbing his attention,"Where's your favorite place to be? Because mine is right next to you,"

His face lit on fire once again as she walked away.

This continued this, leaving him speechless everytime.

"Hey Zenitsu! I thought there were only twenty-one letters in the alphabet, it was because I forgot U R A Q T,"

"Hey Zenitsu! If I had a dollar for everytime I thought about you, I'd have one dollar. Because you never left my mind,"

"Your hand looks heavy, let me hold it for you!"

"Even if there wasn't gravity, I'd still fall for you,"

"Hey, Shinobu says I'm lacking Vitamin U,"

"Hey Zenitsu! I think I need to take your temperature, you look hot today," she winked as she said it, walking away once again.

She had been at it all week, and he blushed and lost his composure everytime.

This time, however, he planned to turn the tables.

"Oh hey Zenitsu!" Y/n greeted cheerfully as he sat down beside her.

"You know, Y/n, I'm a cute detector," he smirked, pausing for her to reply.

She gave him a closed-eye smile.

"It must be hard walking past reflective surfaces then!" She said happily, without skipping a beat.

On the inside, she was freaking out, but made sure not to let it show.

A deep blush crept up his cheeks and he covered his face.

"You ruined it..." he whimpered through his clothes.

He had put his head down on the table, burying his face in his crossed arms.

"Aw, I'm sorry," she giggled,"Try a different one!"

"Fine..." he replied, picking his head up.

"Do you like bagels?" He asked smugly.

"Only because you're bae-goals," she replied happily, giggling harder when he put his head back down to hide his blush.

"What's going on?" Tanjiro asked, walking into the room.

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