The Butterfly Mansion

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!Warning! This chapter contains severe Zenitsu fluff made by a severe Zenitsu simp and may cause side effects. Side effects may include: Screaming (with joy), kicking, jumping, squealing, happiness, and other dangerous things. Read at your own risk. Jk. You're gonna love it.

It had been a month since the mission at Natagumo Mountain.

Y/n still hadn't woken up. The boys had all already made a full recovery and were being sent out on missions.

Tanjiro visited every once in a while, sometimes bringing Inosuke with him.

But there was one person that visited Y/n every single day that he could.

Zenitsu Agatsuma.

He brought her flowers and sometimes even cried by her side.

But alas, he did have missions, so he couldn't be there every day.

Then came the day that she finally awoke.

All of the boys were out on missions so the Hashira were the ones to greet her when she woke up.

She spent the next few days doing rehabilitation training with Kanao, Aoi, Sumi, Kiyo, and Naho.

Shinobu also helped her recover, and soon she was in her last days in rehabilitation training.

P.O.V change: (Zenitsu's P.O.V)

After 2 weeks of fighting demons on the same stupid mission, I finally returned to the Butterfly Mansion.

More importantly, I returned to Y/n's side.

Truth be told, I blamed myself for what happened to her.

If I had chased after her a little longer, maybe I could've helped her defeat that demon.

Although back then I probably wouldn't have been much of a help.

That's why I have trained super hard within the past month and a half.

So that I could protect her.

As I walked towards the gates, I noticed Sumi sweeping at the doorway.

"Oh, hi Agatsuma!" She chimed,"In case you didn't know, Y/n woke up while you were on your mission! She's already almost done with her rehabilitation training too!"

"Really?!?!? Where is she now!?!?!?" I asked excitedly.

"I think she was in the north garden!" Naho replied while carrying a laundry basket inside.

"THANKS FOR THE HELP YOU GUYS!!!" I shouted as I ran towards the north garden.

As soon as I arrived I spotted her.

She was sitting on the ground with her back propped up on a wisteria tree, sound asleep.

Now that I knew her life wasn't in danger, it became a lot easier to notice how gorgeous she was.

The way her glowing e/c eyes complimented her silky h/c hair, the way her f/s (face/shape) went perfect with her e/s (eye/shape).

The way her face scrunched up as she stirred awake, and especially the way her perfect pink lips curved into a smile when she saw me.

A light pink color dusted my cheeks as she looked at me with that smile. Oh, how I loved seeing her smile. It brought joy to me every time.

"You finally finished your mission!" She smiled as my heart melted,"Took you long enough!"

I couldn't hold the tears back anymore. I had been holding them in for weeks, and now, seeing her, I just couldn't anymore.

Tears streamed down my cheeks as a worried expression erased the smile that lit up any darkness.

"Zenitsu!" She asked worriedly, immediately running to where I was now crouching,"Are you alright? Why are you crying?"

"I-I thought that-" I sniffled, I was struggling to get the words out.

"I thought that you were going to die..." I finally managed to whisper.

The look on her face was one of utter shock. Then that melted into a soft, caring expression. It was one that I could never get tired of seeing.

"Zenitsu." She muttered softly, pulling me into a hug,"I promise that I will not die. Not until I've had my revenge."

I could hear the burning hatred in her voice, but decided it was best not to pry.

As she held me in her arms, I was the happiest I'd ever been. That day was easily one of the best days of my life.

Thank you for reading this chapter and, as always, I hope you enjoyed.

I know you guys have been dying for some fluff, so I knew I couldn't leave you hanging 😉

Question: If I held an Art Contest for the new cover of the story, would you guys enter? I feel like it could be lots of fun and I could totally make one if you guys want me to! Let me know in the comments if you guys want me to make one!

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