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"LET'S DO THIS!!" Inosuke yelled as he ran into the forest.

Tanjiro ran after him so it was just Y/n and Zenitsu remaining.

"I suggest we get moving." She said,"Wouldn't want to get separated."

"NO WE CAN'T GO THERE!!!" He screeched.

"Well its kinda our mission so-"
Y/n replied with a tired look on her face.

Zenitsu whined.

"Well I'm going to go slay some demons, either you're with me, or not." She deadpanned.

"HERE I COME!" He said, following closely behind her.

P.O.V. change: (Zenitsu's P.O.V.)

I clung to Y/n's Haori as we approached the dark forests.

Truth be told, I was scared out of my wits. But if I stay back now and Y/n ends up getting hurt, I would never forgive myself.

Or Tanjiro. I wouldn't forgive him either.

I swore the cat Y/n was carrying around gave me a weird look, but I just ignored it. Come to think of it, that cat doesn't seem to like me...

As we walked, I realized just how beautiful Y/n really was.

I mean of course, I thought every girl was beautiful.

But Y/n had a different kind of beauty. She somehow stood out.

I always got a little nervous around girls, but Y/n made me feel completely different.

My heart would always beat a little faster when I saw her. Her smile seemed to light up the room. Every time she spoke I could feel my heart flutter. It was a feeling that I was unfamiliar with, so I didn't know what it was or how to handle it.

But there was one thing about Y/n that I couldn't explain. How her heart rate was abnormally fast. How her breathing technique was so strange. And the aura she gave off.

"Hey, Y/n?" I asked timidly.

"Yeah?" She replied.

"Are you...a demon?"

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

Sorry for it being so short; I'm going to try to upload another one very soon. I just thought that this was the perfect cliff hanger and couldn't resist 😋

The next question: How did you guys like the Zenitsu P.O.V.? I'm thinking about adding more P.O.Vs but I want to know what you guys think 🤔

Also, just to see, how interested would you guys be in an Art Contest??? If its something you would want, I could totally set one up, but as always, let me know!!!

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