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Y/n propped herself up on the side of the, now wrecked, train.

In order to free herself from under it, she had cut her lower half completely off.

Zenitsu was crying and screaming and running around.

She knew that the only way for her to save Rengoku was to use her demon form.

She hated using that.

It was like she was accepting a piece of Muzan.

But she had to. To save everyone.

She closed her eyes, taking deep breaths as she felt her lower half regenerate in seconds.

Her hair turned a bright white shade, and her body matured into that of an adult.

Her clothes had been ripped up, but still covered enough so that she was not completely exposed.

Her eyes had narrowed into tiny slits, and scars littered her body.

Zenitsu's eyes widened.

"W-what are you d-doing?" He asked in an uneasy tone.

"Saving the people I care about." She replied determinedly.

His face had melted in relief.

She was still the same Y/n.

She quickly made her way over to where Rengoku and Akaza were sparing.

"AKAZA!" She shouted.

He looked up and smiled in a creepy way, throwing Rengoku aside and walking towards her.

"Ah, if it isn't the Demon King's precious little daughter!" He said, clearly trying to anger her.

"No. I am a completely different person than that scared and scarred little girl." She replied blankly.

"Oh I see! I could call someone to test that out y'know?" He laughed.

"Still too afraid to fight girls I see."

Veins popped in his forehead. She was getting to him.

She knew that he would refuse to fight her.

But that didn't mean she had to refrain from fighting him.

She lunged at him, clawing at his abdomen.

"You already know that I would never harm you because you're a girl." He said, blocking her.

"But you would watch as other people hurt me. Good to know!" She said in an irritated voice.

"You know I can't do anything against him."

"It's still kind of contradictory don't you think!?!?!?" She was mad now.

He thought that he was so innocent? She would surely make him pay.

"Y/n! What are you two talking about?" She heard Zenitsu yell behind her.

"Oh, I see. So if I kill them, you'll have nothing left to fight for!" Akaza then jumped behind her towards her friends.

That, was his second mistake.

His first, was refusing to fight her.

She seemingly teleported in front of Akaza, causing his eyes to widen at her insane speed.

During the split second that he was in shock, she plunged her hand right through his stomach.

His face was furious.

"Y'know what?!?! I tried to give you a chance! But no! You want to fight me?!?!?! THEN FIGHT ME!"


She knew if she could get him angry enough then he would eventually fight her.

He jumped backwards, healing the hole in his stomach.

Y/n knew that with both of them fighting at full strength, this fight would last a long time.

But what Akaza hadn't noticed was that the sun would be up in just minutes.

That was how she would defeat him in a timely manner.

They sparred back and forth at inhuman speeds for what seemed like forever.

That is—until Akaza noticed what she had been hiding from him.

He glared at her, only to be met with an even more deadly stare.

It kind of...intimidated him.

He ran off into the woods to avoid the sunlight.


She turned to Rengoku, Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu, who had all been watching the fight with baited breath.

She flashed them a crooked smile and gave a double thumbs-up.

Their worried faces melted into bright smiles.

"Yeah! We won!" Y/n cheered with them, making her way over to them.

"Hey, are you sure you're okay?" Tanjiro asked, concern written all over his face.

"Of course I am! Why would you think I wasn't?" She replied.

"Well, you're kinda wobbling all over the place and your voice is really shaky." Inosuke said, eyeing her movements.

"I told you guys I'm perfectly-"

Aaaaand she dropped to the ground.

"Y/n!?" Zenitsu yelled, while running to catch her.

"Just gonna...Rest my eyes...Out of energy..." she mumbled into his chest.

Her hair faded back to it's usual h/c hue and her body returned to normal.

Zenitsu sighed in relief.

Rengoku was badly injured, but would survive.

Tanjiro was beaten up pretty bad, but he would be okay too.

Inosuke was yelling at Y/n to, 'fight' him and asking, 'Why didn't you tell me you were strong!?!?!' which should tell you enough about his condition.

Zenitsu was yelling at Inosuke to be quiet since Y/n was now sleeping in his arms.

Soon the kakushi arrived and brought them back to the Butterfly Mansion recover from the fight.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

There were a lot of different ideas that I thought about for this  chapter, but I think I'm happy with the outcome and I hope you are to!

Don't forget that the deadline for the art contest (if you're competing) is only two days away!

I hope you have a great rest of your day! Peace ✌️

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