Mugen Train

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(I put the song in because I discovered it recently and I feel like it perfectly fits Zenitsu)

! This chapter contains some self harm !

After Y/n had finished rehabilitation training, they were all sent off on a new mission.

Apparently, they would be teamed up with Rengoku, who was one of Y/n's favorite Hashiras.

When they arrived at their destination, Inosuke and Tanjiro were amazed at the train, thinking it was some kind of monster.

"You two are idiots. Its a train. You know, the big machine that carries people around?" Zenitsu said sounding unamused.

Y/n giggled as Inosuke yelled.


"Please don't listen to my friend's rude remarks, oh spirit!" Tanjiro said frantically while bowing.

"I TOLD YOU GUYS ITS NOT A-" Zenitsu immediately stopped shouting when Y/n giggled.

Pink tinted his cheeks again.

"Hey, what are you four up to?" A security guard yelled.

They ran away, hoping to escape trouble, and Zenitsu grabbed Y/n's hand as they ran.

P.O.V change: (Tanjiro's P.O.V)

As we came to a stop, I noticed Zenitsu had grabbed Y/n's hand.

And I don't know why, but for some reason, I didn't like it one bit.

Suddenly, I walked up to Zenitsu, who jad been laughing with Y/n, and grabbed his wrist tightly.

"I don't remember Y/n asking you to grab her hand." I said through gritted teeth, veins popping all over my forehead.

Zenitsu put hi other hand on my wrist, giving me a nasty glare.

"H-hey, why don't we calm down, what has got into you, Tanjiro?" Y/n said worriedly.

We both put our hands down, looking down to the ground.

What had got into me?

All I knew was that for some reason, I did not like when Zenitsu touched her. Or talked to her. Or was near her.

But I also didn't like seeing her upset.

My thoughts shifted to the look on her face when she had told us to calm down.

I hated seeing that look, much less being the cause of it.

So there was really nothing I could do to stop Zenitsu from being around her.

But I could sure try.

P.O.V change: (Y/n's P.O.V)

As we got on the train, we immediately heard yelling.


Rengoku. One of the greatest guys you'll meet. And a Hashira.

I ran up to him, pushing Tanjiro aside.

"Rengoku!" I said happily.

"Y/n! So you're on this mission too I see!"

"Yes! I can't wait to work alongside you!"

"Likewise! Are these your friends?"

"Yes! This is Inosuke," I said gesturing to the boar-heade boy with his head out the window,"that's Zenitsu," I looked at the blonde boy yelling at Inosuke,"and this is Tanjiro!"

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