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Y/n woke up, once again, in the Butterfly Mansion.

She had startled awake, her eyes shooting open and her body jumping straight out of bed.

This was unfortunate for Aoi, who had been walking in with a tray of things to clean her wounds.

Aoi slipped and fell, her tray's contents spilling all over the floor.

"I'm so sorry!" Y/n said worriedly while helping her up and cleaning the mess she had caused.

"What made you jump like that!?" Aoi scolded.

"I'm very sorry, but could you please tell me how long I've been asleep?!" Y/n asked, concern etched out across her features.

"Relax. It's only been a day and a half." Aoi sighed,"I'm guessing you thought you had been asleep as long as last time, right?"

She nodded.

"If I'm okay, why aren't I in the community patient room?" She asked with confusion.

"Oh I see. You wanna know why you're away from your boyfriend, huh?" She teased,"You know, he carried you all the way back here. He refused to let any of the Kakushi touch you."

A deep blush now garneted her face.

"H-he's not my boyfriend...He's just a friend..." She stuttered.

(Adrien Agreste who?)

"Yeah well to answer your question, its because your a girl and they're all guys. It would be kinda weird to share a room with them." Aoi eyed her suspiciously.

"DON'TLOOKATMELIKETHATIDIDN'TREALIZE-" She yelled, her entire face turning completely red.

"Oh you know I'm only kidding!" She pouted,"Anyways if you'd like to see them, I can take you to their room." Aoi sighed.

"Y-yes please." Y/n replied.

Aoi guided her out into the halls.

"Head down that corridor. Take a right and then you should see a door with a sign." Aoi instructed, going the opposite way.

Y/n had been to the Butterfly Mansion a couple of times with Mitsuri, as her and Shinobu were close friends.

As she turned into the hallway were Aoi had instructed, she bumped into someone, causing her to fall onto the floor.

"Ow! I'm sorry! I should have been paying more attention to were I was going!" She exclaimed, not looking up.

"Y/n! You're awake!"

She looked up to see Zenitsu, his eyes filled with joy as he helped her up.

"Yep! Good as new!" She replied happily,"Apparently the reason it took so long last time is because Shinobu forgot that I'm powered by sunlight, so it took a while for my body to muster up the strength to wake up."

"Oh that makes sense!" He replied cheerfully.

They walked together back to the boys' room, chatting the whole way.

"Tanjiro! I snagged us some snacks from the kitchen!" Zenitsu shouted once they arrived.

Then Kiyo jumped up, knocking Zenitsu over and giving him a bloody nose.

"Mister Tanjiro is missing!" She screamed, then she seemed to notice Zenitsu and Y/n, and immediately started apologizing.

"I'm so sorry, Mister Zenitsu! It's just that Mister Tanjiro is not here! And even worse, he's training even though he hasn't healed!" She said in a distraught tone.

"Wait what?! With that stomach wound?!" Zenitsu yelled as his eyes widened.

At this point there was nothing they could do to stop him though, because none of them knew where he was.

For the rest of the day, Y/n practiced her breathing and did some stretching, which she was amazing at thanks to Mitsuri.

"Wow!!!! How are you so good at that Y/nnnn!!!" Zenitsu marveled as she did a split mid-air between two beams.

"I dunno. I guess I've had lots of practice thanks to my big sis!" She replied with a smile.

"Oh yeah! I forgot you said that you were raised by the Hashiras, right? And that the Love Hashira is like your big sister!" He recalled.

Y/n continued to make small talk with him while also helping him improve his flexibility (which wasn't working very well).

At the end of the day, Tanjiro finally returned and they learned that he had gone to Rengoku's house to check on him.

Over the course of the next few weeks, they recovered from their battle and trained.

They were sometimes sent on missions individually, which helped them train even more.

One day as they were all coming back from their missions, they saw a man that only Y/n recognized trying to carry some of the girls from the Butterfly Mansion away.

They all quickly surrounded him, minus Y/n, who knew who he was.

"Y/n! I haven't seen you in a while!" The man said, flashing her an award-winning smile.

"Y/n, you know this guy?!" Tanjiro asked, clearly confused.

"Yep! It has been a while!" she exclaimed, flashing him a crooked grin.

"Now what is it that the sound Hashira would want, Uzui?"

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

Next question, which house should we go undercover in? Basically which of the Kamaboko Squad should we tag along with?

Oh and Y/n is going to look AWESOME all dressed up! Just ask Zenitsu, who is gonna be a blushing stuttering mess!

Anyways, don't forget that the Art Contest is due tomorrow at 12:00 pm Central Daylight time!

I have changed the way to submit it because I realized you can't send pictures the way that I previously said, so just I am currently coming up with a solution!

I might have to extend the deadline until I can get it figured out, but I'll figure it out.

Hope you have an awesome rest of your day and peace ✌️

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