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P.O.V change: (Y/n's P.O.V)

"Are you....a demon?"

My eyes widened as I whirled around to look at him.

His expression was serious, but held no hostility. Even so, I immediately burst into tears and ran off.

Zenitsu tried to chase after me but I was to fast.

Its not like I thought he'd be mad at me, I just panicked. I hoped no one would ever find out—aside from the Hashira of course.

My heart seemed to sink as I finally came to a stop.

I just left Zenitsu.


In these demon infested woods.

I had to get back to him.

I was about to run back when all of a sudden, a cold hand clamped down on my shoulder.

"Why hello there." I recognized that voice."Its been a while."


P.O.V change: (Zenitsu's P.O.V)

I tried to run after Y/n, but she was to fast, and I ended up getting lost instead.

Well, at least I had my answer. Y/n was a demon.

The thing is, it didn't scare me as much as I imagined.

I had always been terrified at the mere thought of a demon, but Y/n didn't scare me.

Don't get me wrong! I know that she's probably the strongest in our group, but I didn't think she'd hurt anyone.

I mean, why else would she have saved me during Final Selection?

As I walked around trying to find her, I felt a sharp pain in my hand.

I looked down to see a spider monster with a bald human head had bitten my hand.

I screamed.

P.O.V change: (Y/n 3rd person)

"Rui." She replied blankly.

"I'm not one for beating around the bush, so let's cut to the chase." He said in his monotonous voice.

She nodded.

"Why," he started,"Did you betray your father?"

"Why," she copied,"Do you care?"

"Because I haven't seen you in years—"

"I'm gonna cut you off right there, Rui." She interrupted,"You don't know me anymore. I'm not the same timid girl that I was back then."

"Well obviously," Rui walked around in front of her, holding up her chin to examine her face,"if you were, you wouldn't have revolted against your father."

"Leave me alone, Rui." She warned.

"But I have a proposal," he said in a manipulative tone,"I'm offering to let all your little demon slayer buddies go!"

She gave him a suspicious look.

"I'm serious!" He replied, but he hadn't lost his tone.

"What's the catch?" She questioned.

"I'll let your friends go without a scratch on them—that is—if you'll marry me and become apart of my family..." He explained, finally revealing the catch.

"Pfft. You really think I'd marry you?"

"You're friends are no match for me and my family. You know that." He stated blandly,"Are you really gonna let them die?"

She grunted.

The only reason she hesitated was because she knew he was right...

'No. I can't just doubt them so easily.'

"Nice try. I won't doubt my friends." She declined.

"I didn't want it to have to come to this." He said.

And then they both started fighting.


(I'm not good at writing out fights so I'll just kinda sum it up 😅)

[Rui and Y/n fight ruthlessly for what seems like forever. Y/n comes very close to defeating him but ultimately fails. She ends up with a broken arm and a few broken ribs. Not to mention the deep cuts all over her body.]

Just as she fell over from exhaustion, Tanjiro appeared and caught her.

"You fought well..." He whispered to her.

Tanjiro then fought the rest of the battle, and ended up winning thanks to Tomioka, who had come with Shinobu to help. Hana cried as Y/n slept, worried she wouldn't wake up again.

(Remember Hana's still little so she doesn't know anything about this)

Everyone was then taken back to the Butterfly Mansion to be healed.

Thanks for reading the chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

I don't really have anything to say for this chapter so, if there's anything you guys want to address, let me know!

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