The Battle Away

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Y/n woke up in tears, shaking violently.

"Are you okay?!?!?" Tanjiro immediately shouted with a worried look.

She looked at her surroundings.

"We're on the Mugen Train. On a misdion with Rengoku, right?" She asked calmly, wiping the tears from her face.

"Yes...are you okay? We were all under a spell that showed us our greatest desires, what were you dreaming about?" He said in a tone of concern.

Her face flushed immediately.


Tanjiro looked a bit confused, but agreed.

"Right. You stay here and protect Zenitsu and Inosuke." He stated determinedly.

She nodded.

Just then, the people who had been tied up to them came after Tanjiro.

They yelled about having dreams, until Tanjiro knocked them out.

Then he went up to the top of the train, instructing Y/n and Nezuko to wake up the others.

Y/n hadn't had much contact with Nezuko. In fact, this was one of their first encounters.

But the moment their eyes met, there was an understanding between them, and they worked together and communicated like old friends.

Y/n tried shaking them awake, but it wasn't doing anything.

Then Nezuko set on fire.


"NEZUKO WHAT ARE YOU DOING???-" Y/n shouted.

Suddenly, Inosuke's hand twitched.

Then, he jumped up right through the roof, shouting something about his 'minions'.

"Nezuko, you're a genius!" Y/n said excitedly, patting a happy Nezuko on her head.

The entire train started to turn into something that looked like a giant...stomach?

Tentacles rose out of the now fleshy walls, trying to abduct one passenger after another.

The two of them fought resiliantly, protecting all the people they could, making they're way from one cart to the next.

Nezuko had switched to her adult form and Y/n had unsheathed her sword.

However, eventually, thus wasn't enough, as both of Nezuko's hands had been pinned down by the tentacles.


Y/n rushed to cut the disgusting things away from her but was stopped as the slimy things wrapped themselves all around her.

They held down her arms and legs, one crawling uncomfortably up towards her thigh.

Nezuko grunted in pain as the tentacles squeezed them, and Y/n let out a small yelp.

'We're done the end I lost...and to Enmu of all people...' Y/n thought, mentally preparing herself to die.

Suddenly, the air started to vibrate. Y/n could feel her hairs stand on end as a blinding flash and a deafening boom went through the room.

The tentacles were gone, and when she looked up, she saw none other than Zenitsu.

He was in a low position, gripping his sword, which was in its sheath, tightly.

His Haori was blowing as he mumbled something.

"I will protect Y/n and Nezuko. No matter what."

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