Home Again

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When Y/n got home, she was greeted by all of the Hashiras waving and cheering.

They were all so excited that they even threw a party to welcome her back, courtesy of Mitsuri, who later told her that all of them had pitched in.

Rengoku had handled the food, Uzui and Shinobu had decorated, She, Muichiro, and Gyomei had passed out invitations, Shinagazouwa (I don't know how to spell his name) and Obanai had came up with party games, and Tomioka was forced by Shinagazouwa to handle getting Y/n a cat, since she had always wanted one. (Shinagazouwa did this because in the manga Giyuu is not good with animals).

She ended up having a great time, and made plans with most of the Hashiras to train before her first mission.

"Our kid is growing up!" Rengoku said to the Hashiras as Mitsuri started crying in the background.

The Hashiras had practically raised her, and she couldn't have had a happier childhood (minus Muzan of course).

She had the best time of her life, and after two weeks between traveling there and Final Selection, of being on the move, she fell asleep during her own party, and had to be carried home on Obanai's back, (who was walking Mitsuri home anyway).


She woke up in her room back at Mitsuri's house and sighed.

'Home again,' she thought.

She hopped out of bed and headed to the kitchen, where Mitsuri was making pancakes, as usual.

"You're awake!" She exclaimed,"After you fell asleep at the party, I was sure you'd sleep a little longer."

Y/n smiled and sat down at the table.

"Sorry about that," She said with a guilty smile,"I guess I was more exhausted than I thought."

"It's okay!" Mitsuri replied gleefully,"We all thought it was adorable! Even Shinagazouwa and Tomioka!!!"

Y/n smiled at the thought of those two finally being happy.

"Don't forget," Mitsuri chided while setting the pancakes down on the table,"I'm taking you shopping for a Haori today!!!"


When they arrived at the mall, they opted to first go and buy a small bag that she could keep bandages and anything else she needed in. They settled for a small black bag that would fit in her pockets and wouldn't get in her way. They then went to go buy the Haori itself, which took a very long time because the store was huge and they were both very picky. In Mitsuri's eyes, a Haori was what gave people their first impression of you as a slayer, which made Y/n want it to be perfect. After hours of searching, they finally found it. The perfect Haori.

(Imagine it looks like this)

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(Imagine it looks like this).

The dark colors of the Haori complemented her e/c eyes, and symbolized her dark breathing style, and the sakura flowers represented her sweet nature, as Mitsuri put it.

Then they bought lunch at a nearby ramen shop, and went and bout a few accessories. Soon, it was time for them to go home.

However, before leaving, they passed by a kimono shop, and one in particular seemed to catch Mitsuri's gaze. She stopped.

"That kimono looks like it was made for you!" She exclaimed,"We have to buy it!!!"

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"That kimono looks like it was made for you!" She exclaimed,"We have to buy it!!!"

Y/n thought that it was rather pretty, but that Mitsuri shouldn't waste her money any more than she already had.

"But what do you mean?!?!" she pouted,"It's not wasting money if I'm spending it on you!"

After much persuasion and a little bit of pleading, Mitsuri finally convinced Y/n to let her buy it, and they walked home with bags full of stuff.


A few days later, her katana arrived. A strange man wearing a cloud mask was standing at the door holding it.

"I'm looking for Miss Y/n Kanroji,"

"That would be me," She answered, stepping forward.

He held the sword up to her and she took it.

He stood there expectantly so she invited him in. Mitsuri insisted on inviting the other Hashiras over to watch her unsheath her sword to see who she would take after.

Once they were all there in the living room, which was very crowded, she started to slowly unsheath her sword.

After she had held it for a few seconds, it started to change colors, and everyone there gasped as the swordsmith yelled.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed! I'm going to try to make the chapters between about 500-800 words long so they wont be to short😅

The next question: What color should Y/n's sword be??? I feel like a red color would be fire and pink would be love, and also kinda want her to be more unique 🤔 but its whatever you guys think!

Also, for next chapter I think I'm going to have a Hashira training session, but who should she train with???

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