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Y/n woke up in darkness.

Once her eyes had adjusted to the darkness of what seemed to be a cave, she realized she had awoken...


"TOOK YA LONG ENOUGH SLEEPING BEAUTY" Inosuke shouted while dodging some kind of fabric.

"Oh so you think I'm pretty?" She teased, dodging another piece of cloth.

"WHAT I NEVER SAID THAT" He yelled back, the blush on his face visible through his mask (don't ask how).

Y/n unsheathed her katana, readying her stance.

Blood Breathing: 3rd Form

She twisted her body, making multiple slashes to the cloth.

This was one of the more dangerous moves because if she tensed even one wrong muscle, her whole body would be paralyzed.

This happened to be a move that she hadn't fully mastered, as she had only successfully completed once.

Still, she had no choice, as the demon attacked from multiple places at once, making it hard to counteract.

"YEAH TAKE THAT WORMBELT" Inosuke cheered as she slashed it into pieces.

She landed gracefully on her feet, taking a deep breath before turning around.

"I did it!" She cheered,"I finally managed to do the move without immobilizing myself!!!"

She caught a glimpse of two women arguing.

She and Inosuke watched as they yelled at each other.

One whined about how she was definitely going to die, and the other yelled at her to stop being weak. It reminded her of Zenitsu and Inosuke.

'Speaking of Zenitsu, where is he?' Her thoughts were interrupted as the 'wormbelt' brought itself back up, already regenerated.

This wasn't the real body.

For the first time, Inosuke looked nervous.

Almost as if he was scared?

She knew he would never admit to it, but she could tell he was uneasy.

She was readying herself to use the third form again, when the air started to vibrate.

Her hairs stood on end as the very ground started to shake.

Thunder Breathing: 1st Form
Thunder Clap and Flash

Hearing Zenitsu's voice in its deepened state gave her goosebumps.

She felt her face heat up as a deep 'Boom' was heard throughout the cave.

She managed to set her flustered feelings aside as Zenitsu landed next to her and Inosuke.

He was still asleep, standing there with a determined look on his face.

She smiled a bit.

"You should stay asleep all the time." Inosuke deadpanned.

"INOSUKE DON'T BE MEAN!" Y/n yelled.

Its not that she wanted him to be asleep, but she did love hearing his deep voice, though she hated to admit it.

And it didn't help how hot he looked while he did it.

She was able to shake it off though, turning to the belt.

It seemed to be looking at the roof of the cave, staring at it warily.

Suddenly, a huge hole was blown through the roof, debris and dust scattering.

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