I'm running out of titles <3

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After what transpired with the Oiran, the girl they saved and her friends helped bring Zenitsu back to one of their rooms for treatment.

Meaning Y/n carried him and they were emotional support in her struggle.

He was heavier than she expected but she could still manage.

'Its probably because of how buff he is...WAIT WHY AM I THINKING THINGS LIKE THAT HE CAN NEVER KNOW-' She thought to herself, her face flushing immediately.

Little did she know, Zenitsu had been reading her mind. (If you remember he can do that if he concentrates)

He had to try really hard to stop himself from blushing, but luckily he succeeded.

He had only been barely awake, and soon drifted back into unconsciousness.

When they made it to the room, she set Zenitsu down.

The girls brought out a first-aid kit, setting it down next to him. They looked a little nervous as they peered at his wounds.

"I'm guessing you guys don't know how to bandage wounds...?" Y/n asked.

They nodded in embarrassment.

Y/n then slid the first-aid kit closer to her, readying the things she would need.

"You guys can keep a secret, right" she asked, already knowing the answer.

They nodded once more.

In any other situation, she would have doubted them, but Zenitsu had just saved them from Waribihime's cruelty, so she guessed that they were at least somewhat grateful.

She undid the top part of Zenitsu's kimono, sliding the fabric down to his waist where the damage stopped.

His abs were now on display, and the girls stared in awe.

Y/n could feel what she had identified as jealousy creep into the back of her mind, but she ignored it.

"Zenitsu is male." She said blankly, not looking up from the wound.

The girls watched in amazement as she skillfully wrapped iny injuries and wiped any blood with a wet rag.

When she was finished, it looked professionally done.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead and stood up.

"I'm going to go back to our room. I'll be back to check on him in the morning." She stated, walking out of the room.


As Y/n made her way through the hallways, she noticed something seemed to be following her.

She kept an eye on it and it seemed to be getting closer.

She quickly turned around as it came upon her, and then everything went black.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

Very short chapter but I forgot to add this part to the last one so I had to make this one

Anyways, have a great rest of your day and peace ✌️

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