Natagumo Mountain

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Y/n woke up to the sun shining brightly on her face.

"Meow!" Hana said while putting her paw on Y/n's face.

"I'm getting up!" She replied begrudgingly.

'Wait. How did I just understand her? ' She thought, looking bewildered at Hana.

Hana seemed to smirk as she walked out the door of the room.

Y/n ran down the stairs immediately.

"Mitsuri! How did I just understand Hana??" She exclaimed.

"Oh, Tomioka didn't tell you?"she asked,"Hana is your familiar, so the two of you can understand each other—to an extent."

Y/n looked at Hana with a look of complete awe. After she had got over her surprise, she put food in Hana's bowl just as Mitsuri set the pancakes (which she made every morning) down on the table.

Soon, a Kasugai Crow flew in the window and started screeching at them.

"Y/n Kanroji has been summoned! Head west! To Natagumo Mountain!!!" It screamed.

Hana gave Y/n a look that seemed to say, 'Do you want me to eat this putrescent bird?'

She shook her head frantically.

"It's finally time for your first mission!" Mitsuri said emotionally, "I think I'm gonna cry!"


After Y/n was in her uniform Mitsuri brought the Haori they had bought for her out.

"How do I look?" She asked nervously.

"You look beautiful." Mitsuri replied as Hana gave a nod of approval.

And soon, she set off to Natagumo Mountain.


"So....since we can communicate, why not get to know each other?" Y/n asked the small kitten walking alongside her.

'Sure! So, what's your favorite color?" She meowed.

"Oh, it's f/c! What about you?" She replied with a smile.

'Mine's light pink!' Hana purred.

As they walked while getting to know each other, Y/n repeatedly reminded Hana that if her paws get tired she can sit on her shoulder. But Hana said she was fine.

As they drew near the mountain, Y/n made Hana promise to hide if they encounter a demon. She obliged, seeming quite nervous.

But, they wouldn't have to worry about that until nightfall, as it was still early afternoon.

The two of them decided to go looking for a place to set up camp in the woods,(not the ones on the mountain) when they saw a bush rustle. Then it rustled some more. Hana went and hid in a nearby tree as they heard low growling which freaked her out.

Y/n nervously crept up to the bush, when all of a sudden, something jumped out from it.

She immediately unsheathed her sword, ready to cut anything that came near her or Hana, but instead of a demon or an animal, (kinda) she saw one of the boys from Final Selection.

He laughed maniacally as she sheathed her sword and Hana  fell out of the tree with a terrified look frozen on her face.

"Inosuke! What did you do this time?!"yelled an annoyed boy. She recognized his voice, and then him, to be Tanjiro.

"Oh!"He said when he saw her,"Miss Kanroji! I didn't expect you to be here!"

"Please call me Y/n!" She said with a smile.

She loved how polite he was, but hate it when someone called her 'Miss' because it made her feel old.

"Okay!"Tanjiro replied,"If you'd like, you could come camp with us! Assuming we're on the same mission of course."

"I'd love to!" She gleamed.

After he and the boar boy led her and Hana back to the camp, she was surprised to see a familiar blonde. He had his back turned to her, so he hadn't spotted her yet.

"Zenitsu! We found another slayer on the same mission!" Tanjiro exclaimed.

"Tanjiro you left me here alone!!!" Zenitsu whined.

They then started with formalities.

"As you know, I'm Tanjiro Kamado!" The maroon-haired boy said with a smile.

"This idiot is Inosuke," Tanjiro glared at the boar boy as he said it,"and this is–"

"Zenitsu Agatsuma." Y/n interrupted.

"How did you–" Tanjiro was cut off again by Zenitsu.

"Y/N?!?!?!?" Zenitsu screamed while jumping towards her.

Hana looked at Y/n.

'I just met this guy and he already seems like he's gonna be a pain in the–'

"HANA!" Y/n reprimanded.

All of the boys looked at her like she was out of her mind.

"Oh I'm sorry!" She said frantically,"This is Hana, she's my familiar so we can understand each other."

Tanjiro's eyes widened.

"You can talk to that cat!?" He shouted while giving her a look of awe.

She nodded.

"So I can't eat it???" Inosuke deadpanned.

Hana's eyes widened as her hair stood on end.

"NO YOU IDIOT!!!" Zenitsu shouted.


The next few hours were filled with preparation for battle and Zenitsu and Inosuke arguing. Mostly the latter.

But soon the sun started to set, meaning their mission was about to begin.

Zenitsu clung to Y/n's Haori as they all stood in front of the giant mountain, ready to face any demon who came their way.

Thanks for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed!

I decided to make Hana a little sassy. Just a little. Okay she's really sassy but I feel like we kinda need it.

This chapter's question: Which part of the battle should we be in??? Example: The parts with Tanjiro and Inosuke or the parts with Zenitsu. Or we could always make our own part of the battle 🤔 if so, which demon should we fight???

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