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After that day, Zenitsu and Y/n started dating.

They were both really happy about it, and had already apologized for what they did.

When the girls found out what had happened, they were super excited. They thought Zenitsu and Y/n were the cutest couple ever!

They weren't very wrong either, because of how close the two were.

They only left each other's sides when it was absolutely necessary, and at random times during the day, Zenitsu would just walk up behind her and wrap his arms around her waist.

Y/n would giggle and try to protest, but everyone knew she loved it.

Mitsuri and Rengoku were both as happy as could be, seeing as how both of them had been secretly shipping the two for months.

Uzui and Shinobu were a bit protective of Y/n, and threatened Zenitsu the second Y/n was out of sight.

"Listen here if you break her heart I'll break your neck!" Uzui whisper-yelled as Shinobu smiled in agreement.

Zenitsu reassured them that he had no intention of doing so, and soon an understanding was made.

One day, Zenitsu brought Y/n to meet gramps, but they unexpectedly walked in on a gruesome scene.

Gramps had committed suicide, because one of his other students had turned into a demon of his own accord.

Zenitsu was devastated and distraught, not knowing what to do.

Thankfully, he had Y/n to help him through it, and instead guide him towards the path of avenging gramps.

A few months later, the final battle happened, and after a great struggle, they defeated Muzan.

Little did they know that Y/n was of the same cells as him, leaving her to start disappearing along with her father.


"Zenitsu, you have to calm down. Even if there was a way, its too late to find it now. I'll always be with you. Right here!" She smiled, poking his chest.

"Y/n..." Tanjiro muttered, a look of sorrow etched across his face.

Everyone was upset. It was a sad moment as Y/n slowly started to fade away.

Hana sat next to her, meowing her little heart out in sadness.

Nezuko and Mitsuri sobbed together as Shinobu cried on Giyu's shoulder. She blamed herself for not seeing this far ahead.

Suddenly, Tamayo made her way towards them, Chachamaru in tow.

She held a syringe and a small medicine bottle in hand.

"Well isn't this a sorrowful sight. None of us want to see sweet Y/n go. Its a good thing I thought to make something so she can stay." She smiled, filling the syringe and crouching next to her.

She injected the liquid into her shoulder, making Y/n wince.

"This will neutralize his cells," she explained,"The only problem I had making it was that his cells make up over half of your body, so to neutralize them would be to destroy you."

Everyone gasped.

She was destroying Y/n?

Y/n went limp in Zenitsu's arms.

"So I needed to find a way to fix that as well." Tamayo continued,"In order to save Y/n, I needed to change her DNA completely, by adding DNA from her new biological parents."

Mitsuri and Obanai looked up on hearing these words.

"That's why you asked for our blood samples! You said it was for human research but it was actually to save Y/n!?" Obanai asked, clearly surprised.

"You could have just told us that from the beginning! We would have definitely given you the blood samples either way!" Mitsuri exclaimed, tears still in her eyes.

"I didn't say anything because I didn't know if I could do it or not. I didn't want to get your hopes up only for me to fail." Tamayo explained.

"You should have never doubted yourself, Lady Tamayo." Yushiro smiled.

"Y/n's body will be going through a metamorphosis of sorts now. She might not wake up for the next couple months, or even years, but she will survive." Tamayo stated calmly, looking down at the sleeping girl with a small smile.

Zenitsu looked down at the girl in his arms. She was going to survive. Even if it took years, he silently promised to wait for her. And when she woke up, he would marry her.


At this point, almost a year had passed since that day. Y/n had yet to woke up.

Mitsuri and Obanai had gotten married, and Shinobu and Giyu were engaged.

Tanjiro and Kanao had started dating, and although neither of them would admit it, Inosuke and Aoi clearly had feelings for each other too.

In Y/n's mind, she was trapped in a void. It was completely dark, but not scary. It was a comforting darkness. The kind you could spend hours at peace in.

She didn't know how long she had been in there, but she knew it had been long.

She thought she would stay in there forever, trapped by her own consious.

Until she saw a bright light. The light blinded her, but she slowly made her way to it as her eyes adjusted.

When she woke up she was in a brightly lit room.

Natural light filled the room through the window, and she noticed she was in white clothes.

She slowly got up, still in a daze from being asleep for so long.she noticed her hair was a bright pink and green color instead of its normal raven hue, so she walked over to the mirror.

Her eyes were mismatched, one golden and the other teal. Her long hair was pink with green at the tips.

She no longer looked anything like she used to, and was a bit surprised.

She made her way out the door, slowly walking through the halls.

Y/n saw a door with more light up ahead, so she walked out of it.

It seemed to be spring, with cherry blossom trees all around, their petals flying through the air.

It felt amazing to be outside, so she walked through the woods.

She stumbled upon a yellow haired boy resting with his back propped up on a tree.

He looked peaceful, and soon his honey colored eyes fluttered open.

They widened in surprise when he saw her, his mouth agape as he stared.

"Y-Y/n-?" He said shakily.

He jumped up and wrapped his arms tightly around her.

"I'M SO GLAD YOU'RE FINALLY AWAKE!" He cried into her shoulder.

He pulled away to look at her when she didn't respond.

"Wh-who are you? "

Thanks for reading the last chapter of The Daughter Of A Demon, and I hope you enjoyed!

I know you guys are gonna yell at me for ending it like that and I'm super sorry okay!!!


I'm planning on making a sequal (dont hold me to that).

Right now I'm still getting the storyline thought out, so if I don't do a second book just pretend the last sentence doesn't exist.

Anyways, have a great rest of your day, and for the last time, peace ✌️ ✨️

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