Chapter Two: Smoke & Mirrors

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Making it to my bedroom, I kicked my shoes off and huffed as I threw my purse to the side. Being in my room usually brought me comfort but now it was doing the opposite. Now, I felt like an idiot for thinking I could change my parents mind about marrying me off to some man.

I had doubts that they loved me, but this truly surprised me.

I walked toward my dresser and grabbed some sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I was in need of a hot shower. I had to distract myself since I knew everything was set in stone. I could already imagine the fucking smirk on my dad's face when he shook the prideful man's hand. There was no use in fighting it.

Right before I walked into the bathroom, I heard a soft knock on the door.


Jasmine's voice from behind the door pulled me out of my thoughts and I smiled, glad that she was my distraction now.

"It's open," I answered and the door slowly opened

"Yes?" I asked, walking over to my bed to take a seat

With an excited grin on her face, she batted her eyelashes and twirled her finger around her hair like a school girl. My eyebrows raised in curiosity at her theatrics.

"I wanted to see what you were wearing to the gala. I didn't want to match like we did last year,"

I chuckled, recalling the memory of us stepping out of our rooms to see each other in the same royal blue dress and gold pumps. I believe our hair was even curled the same way and parted to the side. Everyone thought that we were twins for the entire night.

"That's very funny Jas. I'm sure me telling you what I was going to wear was why we ended up matching in the first place. So you'll have to wait and see," I teased, making her gasp dramatically

"No it's not. It was truly a coincidence, so c'mon, tell me," she whined and I rolled my eyes at her childish behavior

"Nope," I replied, popping the "p" at the end

"Ugh, you're no fun," she huffed and goes to sit on the edge of my bed

"Yeah, and you're no trickster. I know what you're trying to do ma'am,"

Rolling her eyes, she grabbed a pillow and held it up like she was going to throw it at me.

"Do it and I'll tell Mom," I warned and her eyes widened like saucers

It was silly how we both called my mother, "Mom", but Jasmine and I have known each other since preschool. I learned at a young age that her parents weren't around, so my parents decided to welcome her into our home. Since then, we've been raised as sisters. Though I only refer to her as a distant friend to the public since I didn't want her associated with my family's name.

She may think that we were the most sweetest and generous people in the country, but we were the opposite. The complete opposite.

"Ouch!" I shouted, feeling the pillow hit my temple

"Don't 'ouch' now, I called your name 5 times and all you did was blink," she countered, mocking me by blinking rapidly

"Fuck you," I laughed, rolling my eyes

"'Now why were you calling my name? I already said I'm not telling you what I'm wearing," I questioned, grabbing the pillow and settling it by my side

She crossed her arms before shrugging, "I asked if you were okay,"

I blinked at her and gnawed on the side of my cheek before answering, "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, you are going to be in an arranged marriage after this weekend even though you told Mom and Dad you weren't looking into dating anyone. Not after what he-,"

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