Chapter Five: Prince Charming

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"Now Angel, is that how you will treat me once we're married?"

My heart skipped a beat after hearing his voice again but I didn't let it show on my face.

I wasn't going to let him know how much it affected me over the years because although I tried to mentally prepare myself for the day I would come face to face with my him, I couldn't.

He left me without saying so much as a word and with so many questions and insecurities to bare on my own. He left me with a hole in my heart knowing that one night he was with me and the next morning, he was caught kissing another woman in the newspaper. It didn't help that the next month, he married her, and six months after that, I was crowned Queen of my parents empire.

To me, everything had crumbled because of him and I was forced to deal with it.


That was the first time in my life where I felt completely helpless and uncontrollable and I had to wait six long years before I even thought of being sane again. It was also in those six years that my parents took advantage of me and forced me to kill anybody who stood in their way. They knew how to use my pain as motivation to kill their enemies and I would be an idiot if I claimed that it didn't work.

So for him to choose to crawl back into my life when I had everything going for me was the perfect way to let me know that he was truly pathetic.

I closed my eyes and forced myself to breathe. I forced myself to not envision his blood on my hands because I knew that the same shit that was currently happening right now would happen.

It was because I knew once I had this man pushed into a corner where no one was looking at or watching over me, I would have him at gun point without emotion or remorse.

The thought made me take the gun off of safety and shove it directly into his right temple.

"Okay, you're not happy to see me, I get that. But I'd really appreciate if you moved the gun so we can talk. Is that okay with you baby?"

"Call me another fucking pet name. I want you to," I fumed, pressing the gun further into his skull

He simply closed his eyes in response and took a deep breath before he opened his eyes with a smirk. Within a blink of an eye, he snatched the gun away from me and tossed it to the floor beside us.

I was livid on the inside, my skin crawling with despise and hatred for him as I actually looked at him for the first time in years. Sure I saw him in magazines but it was nothing like seeing the scumbag in person. He was more muscular and handsome than what I remembered but he was still a fucking menace for what he did to me.

"Can we talk now?" He asked, his voice slightly edged

I shook my head before chuckling darkly and walked around him towards the door. I could care less about the gun, I had plenty more at home. Right now, I was focused on getting the fuck away from him before he tried something stupid.

Something stupid enough to make me do something we would both regret in the morning.

Once he saw me trying to leave, he shifted one foot to the side and blocked the door with his broad form. Annoyed, I blew out another breath and kept my gaze on his polished black shoes.

Why the fuck couldn't he let me go home?

"Move the fuck out of my way, I am not talking to you. I am not doing this shit with you. You are dead to me for all I care!" I yelled, jabbing a finger at him but not touching him

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