Chapter Twenty Four: Why Wait

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I could tell that waking up in Carter's bed would be the best part of my morning routine when I rolled over my side to become face to face with a sleeping Carter. He looked younger since his facial features were cute and boyish and I couldn't help but smile at the sight.

His eyebrows were relaxed rather than knitted into a thin line and his lips were parted slightly as soft snores escaped them. He held a red undertone since his skin was slightly flushed and heated under the heavy blanket and his brown hair was a curly mess on the top of his head.

I leaned forward to kiss his nose then rolled over to my other side to climb out of bed with the sudden urge to use the bathroom. When my feet hit the dark grey carpeted floor, my knees buckled as last night's events rushed through my legs.

"Shit," I whimpered softly

I rushed to cover my mouth and hold onto the side of the bed before looking back at Carter. He stirred slightly before going still again and I blew out a small breath before I continued to limp into the bathroom.

I quietly used the bathroom then washed my hands and tip-toed out of Carter's bedroom after sneaking a quick glance at him. I closed the door softly behind me then walked down the stairs carefully to avoid tripping over myself and falling.

"Fuck, I'm hungry," I mumbled as I entered his kitchen

I walked over to open his refridgerator and looked inside to find a package of bacon and a carton of milk and eggs. I smiled as I reached for the food items and placed them on the counter beside me softly. Then I opened his cabinet to find vegetable oil, sugar, flour, and cinnamon and smiled again when I found the ingredients to make some homemade pancakes.

"He is going to love this," I exclaimed cheerfully as I grabbed all of the ingredients and placed them by the stove

First I washed my hands then turned the two front ire's on the stove to medium-low to prepare them for the bacon and pancakes. I opened the bottle of vegetable oil and poured its contents until the surface area of the pan was covered then opened the package of bacon and placed six strips into the other skillet.

After slightly increasing the temperature on the stove, I closed the package of bacon up and set it aside and washed my hands again. Then I grabbed a white plastic bowl from the cabinet and rinsed it out before adding an egg yolk and a considerable amount of milk and flour to make my pancake mixture.

I grabbed a serving spoon from the clear container of utensils in front of me and moved the spoon around the mixture thoroughly to smooth out the lumps then added two tablespoons of sugar and cinnamon and smiled as the mixture thinned out and became a cream color.

I hurried to grab the bowl then carefully poured the mixture into the skillet with the oil in a circular shape and repeated the process four times, making four decent sized pancakes. I smiled at my work and set the bowl down on the counter to grab a spatula and flip the bacon on its side.

After seeing that the bacon was done, I grabbed one of the plates and placed the strips on it before setting it down on the counter. Then I opened the carton of eggs and took out three eggs and set them beside me as I prepared to make some for Carter. I didn't really eat eggs like that, so I planned to make me some sweet rice with my bacon and pancakes. 

"Look how the tables have turned," Carter suddenly announced from behind me

I turned over my shoulder as I cracked the eggs into the pan and gifted him a soft smile. I turned back around to focus on the stove when I felt his arms suddenly wrap around my waist.

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