Chapter Thirteen: Bed Rest

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Amelia's low voice rang through the air as she stood in the doorway, causing Carter and I to look up at her.

She wore her platnium blonde hair in a slick low ponytail and had on her normal mint green scrubs and white gloves. She also held a black briefcase in her hands which I assumed contained her medicine and medical supplies.

I opened my mouth to correct her, but the abrupt throb in my upper thigh stopped me from doing so.

Amelia and Carter kept their eyes on each other as they stood still in their spots and it annoyed me that they were acting like toddlers while I sat here in pain. Carter put his hands in his pockets as he continued to glare at her but when I hissed lowly and tried to readjust myself again, he turned his head over his shoulders to look at me.

"Are you okay? Do you want me to grab anything for you?" He asked softly and I nodded in response

"A glass of water would be nice," I answered and he simply looked to Amelia, silently asking her to step out of the way

She rolled her eyes but shuffled to the her left and Carter smirked before walking around her to leave the room.

She kept her eyes on him as he left and shook her head at him before walking around the bed to sit in the chair beside me. She assessed my wounds before setting her briefcase on the bed by my leg and opening it. She had freshly polished metal utensils aligned on one side and clear bottles of white pills lined up on the other.

"You want to tell me how this happened?" She asked, breaking the tensed silence that filled the room

I switched my attention to her and gave her a blank look, "Carter or the break in?" I replied, already knowing the answer

"Both," She answered and I looked down at her hands to see her grabbing a bottle of rubbing alcohol

She grabbed a white cloth from the briefcase then opened the bottle cap and looked at me with an apologetic look as she dampened the cloth with the alcohol.

I blew out a breath and braced myself for the piercing burns I was about to feel. Some people would think that with this life, I'd hate having my injuries treated, but I actually enjoyed the temporary burning sensations that overwhelmed me.

At times I believed that it was because they reminded me that I was a human and not some fucked up killing machine, but most times, I thought it was because something was wrong with me. It alarmed me that pain didn't always hurt me unless it pierced my skin and that I would feel warmth bubble through me when someone else was in pain.

"Angela," Amelia called my name forcefully, bringing me out of my thoughts

I blinked twice before looking at her, "Yeah?"

"I said that your scars will heal in about two weeks and that you won't need stitches," She repeated herself and I smiled at her in gratitude

Before I could thank her, she stopped me to continue, "But you will need to be on bed rest,"

"Called it," Carter announced as he entered the room again

He looked at me with a mix of rage and regret in his eyes but he handed me the glass of cold water carefully. I hoped that he wasn't blaming himself for the break in, but telling by the blank expression on his face, I knew that he was.

I thanked him for the water and he took a seat beside me on the bed, "For how long?" He asked her but she only side-eyed him

"Amelia," I gritted through my teeth

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