Chapter Eight: Breach Alert

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"Mrs. Evans Kicks Her Father and Husband Out of Olson Enterprises. What Will She Do Next?"

"Fuck," I cursed under my breath as I read the headline of the newspaper

I knew the press would've seen what happened, but I was hoping they wouldn't publish it. Now I have to deal with this at home and at the office.

A knock at the door interrupted my thoughts and I quickly covered the newspaper with my laptop. I didn't need my team seeing that I was sweating from the press.

"Come in," I announced

The door pushed opened and I settled back into my seat once I saw it was Lucy with a folder in her hand.

"Ms. Olson, you have another call at the front desk," Lucy informed me

I rolled my eyes knowing it was Carter. I didn't know how he knew my number but he had been calling my work and personal phone since this morning and now he found out the phone number for the front desk. His attempt to talk to me was childish and ridiculous, but I couldn't say that I was upset. I was actually quite impressed since I blocked him on every social media platform and instructed my security to deny his entrance to the building.

"Thank you Lucy. Send him to my voicemail please," I answered sweetly before going back to look at my laptop

Before she could reply, the fire exit alarm rung through the halls and the security camera popped on my laptop before I could click on the notification.


The letters being in big, bold, and black ink made me want to grab my gun from the drawer, but I couldn't because Lucy was still beside me. She didn't need to know that I had a loaded gun in hand reach.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," I gritted through my teeth as I saw Carter speed walk through the halls dressed as a costodian

I pushed my chair back and stormed out of my office, brushing past Lucy who simply bit the inside of her cheek in angst. She also knew how my temper blew when I was provoked and I was surely past the point of it now.

I pulled out my phone to check my security camera again to see where he could be, but before I could click on the notification, my arm was pulled aside as a hand covered my mouth.

I screamed when I realized that I was being pulled to the farthest side of the building where no one worked, but it was no use. No one heard or saw me since they were all running around trying to find the person who came through the back door. I almost rolled my eyes at the situation.

Carter finally stopped dragging me when he found an empty hall and led me down carefully until he found an office and pushed me into it. He closed the door behind him and turned to face me but before he could say anything, I slapped him across the face.

His face barely moved to the side but I didn't miss the slight twitch of his right eye as he tried to compose himself.

"What the fuck were you thinking Carter?!" I screamed at him before I could stop myself

"Don't do that again," He demanded sternly like I didn't ask him a question

"Don't tell me what to do when you broke into my building to talk to me," I seethed, narrowing my eyes at him

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