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♡~♡Third person's pov:Flashback♡~♡

The young male hissed at the pain of his private. Who knew giving birth was this hard?

" Chuuya-kun, a little more and the child will be here," the port mafia boss said.

Chuuya gasped for air as he held into the bed sheets.

" Boss, i don't take i can take it anymore, It's too much for me," He said. Groaning at the pain.

" Chuuya, Pick it up and do it. I know you can, because you care about this baby," koyo said. Gripping into the young male's hand.

" You can do it," she said sternly.

Chuuya then started to push again. Letting out an agony scream.

" There!, One more and then were done!," Mori said, quickly getting the tub of water to wash the child.

After the last push. Chuuya heard a loud crying from a tiny human.

Chuuya lift her head and see his little child.

" It's a girl," Mori said. He gently wash the little girl. Washing the blood off of the little girl.

" Well done, chuuya," koyo said. Kissing the male's forehead.

After mori cleaned the baby, he handed the baby to her mother.

Chuuya couldn't understand motherly before, but now rememberng how he was very protective with Akutagawa. He now understands it.

Mori was stitching Chuuya to stop the bleeding.

" What is her name, Chuuya?," Koyo asked.

" Daiya, Daiya Nakahara," He said. The little girl crying.

He shush her and opened his nightgown. Feeding the little girl.

" my, she is a sweetheart," Mori said. Cleaning his tools.

" Yes, she is," Koyo said. Giggling under her sleeve. " I believe Ougai-dono is a grandpa now," The woman giggled.

The man chuckled and wip clean his scalpel that he had used.

" Well, it would be rude to refuse to be the grandfather of this little one," Mori glance to the little girl.

" My, she is adorable. To be honest. She is way cuter than my elise-chan," He said. Bringing his hand to her cheek.

" Boss, Ane-san, Thank you for this, you know for everything," chuuya said. Glancing to his two superiors.

" What if Dazai knows about her?, What if he hurts her like he did to Akutagawa?," chuuya sadly glance to his little girl.

" i won't let it happen," Mori said. The omega ginger sense a protective aura from the older male.

" I won't let him too, Chuuya," koyo said.

Chuuya smiled and glance back to his little girl.

" Mommy won't let anyone hurt you, Princess," He mutter and peck her tiny forehead.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now