~Chapter 9~

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Daiya's pov

I heard those bad guys leave the warehouse. The other children started crying.

The men outside started to come back. I panicked.

" Guys, let's not be loud or else the bad guys are coming back!," I quietly yelled.

They whimpered and turn to me.

' Grandpa, Mama, please save us,' I thought.

Third person's pov

All of the port mafia members have arrive at the warehouse, where Daiya and the other children were.

" I'll go first and give the signal when the children are safe," Chuuya said. His form turning red due to his ability.

' No one touches my baby, Whoever the fuck did it will get my fist!,'

The door of the warehouse was slammed open. Making the men inside gasped in horror.

Daiya lift her head and saw her mama.

' Mama!, she came!,' She thought. The other children gasp at the sight.

" Akutagawa, Get the kids out of here!," Chuuya ordered the young man.

Rashomon was summoned and lift the kids out of the warehouse. Including little Daiya.

Hirotsu untie the little girl's ropes that were tied at her back.

" Thank you!, Everyone," Daiya hugged the man's leg. Causing the old man to blush.

" I-It's our pleasure, Daiya," he said, slightly patting her head.

" Hirotsu, Get her back to boss, I'll be catching up later," Chuuya said.

" But mama...."

The ginger male turned to the girl's direction. " Don't worry, Mama will be back in no time," He send her a close eye smile.

The black lizard takes the girl back to Mori Ougai's office.

" Grandpa!," Daiya got off Tachihara's arms. Sprinting to her grandfather's embrace.

" Oh god, Thank goddness you're alright," Mori swin her around. Hugging her form tightly.

The black lizard takes their leave and give the two some space.

Mori place her down on the ground and checks her form to see any cuts or bruises on her body.

" Grandpa, Those men are mean to Daiya-chan~!," Daiya whined. Having a pout on her face.

" Ohh don't worry, Grandpa is gonna teach them a lesson that they will never forget," Mori manage to slip a sly smirk on his face.

' Elise-chan, I'll leave them to you,' Mori thought. Sending the blonde hair girl to the warehouse to eliminate the oragnization that Abducted Daiya.

" Grandpa, How did you know about me being gone?," Daiya asked.

" Well, i ask Grandpa's friends for an investigation," Mori said. Combing her hair.

" Oh, Let's go out with them!, Grandpa," Daiya said. Her eyes light up with stars.

" Ohh i don't know, You know me and they're leader is not that close or even friends," Mori started to have a bright red blush on his cheeks.

" Oh ok, that's fine, Grandpa!," She said. She walk to the red couch and lay down.

' She must be tired from the abduction, i mean who wouldn't be?,' Mori thought and get a blanket that was neatly folded in one of his drawers.

Putting on top of her, keeping her warm from the cold.

Mori sat next to her. Combing her long hair. His gaze landed on yokohama's view.

He then felt something hot on his lower organ. He turn to his pants.

Mori glance to his calendar and saw that he was on his heat cycle again.

' I'm gonna have to hide myself from Daiya-chan for the time being,' He thought.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now