~Chapter 14~

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Third person's pov

" Daiya, Call me if you need to be pick up alright?," Mori asked. Who was feelings much better now since his heat is over.

" Okay Grandpa!," She said and peck his cheek before leaving the car.

She ran to the sanrio cafe and see Dazai in one of her favorite seats.

" Dazai-san!," She ran to the brunette male.

" Yoo~Daiya-chan you came~and here I thought you wouldn't come~!," He whined.

" You know I never break promises," She said and sat on the seat across from his.

Not long until Dazai's tea arrive and Daiya's smoothie arrive as well.

" So, what did you want to tell me Dazai-san?," She asked.

" Remember when I told you I knew your dad?," She nodded.

" Well, Sweetie, I know this is hard to accept but,"

" But what?," She asked. Her teary eyes gazing to Dazai's.

" Well, Sweetie it's me, I'm your dad," Dazai said. Lowering his head. Ready for all the disgusting insults that Daiya would throw at him.

" You're my daddy?!," She exclaimed. Strange she seems happy.

" That's why we have the same hair!," She said.

' What?, Is she not upset that i left her mom, Not see her grow up?,' He thought.

" Don't worry daddy, despite the things you did to mama, I still forgive you since your my daddy," Daiya said. Walking to her father's seat to pull him into a hug.

Dazai felt something wet on his cheek.

' Am I crying?,' He thought. Daiya glance to her father's face and see tears.

" Aww Daddy, there's no need to cry," She said and wipe his tears with a napkin.

" It's okay baby, i'm so lucky to have a sweet baby like you," Dazai pulled her to his chest.

" So will come with us to the valentines celebration?," She asked.

" Aww I would love that baby," He said and kisses her hairline.

" So, How's school?," He asked.

" Aww mama actually homeschooled for preschool, but we go to the park or playground to make friends!," She said.

" That's nice to hear, princess," He said.

" Yeah, Especially Haru~" Dazai's eyes pop out of his sockets.

" What?," He glance to her with a horrored expression.

" What?," The father and daughter gaze at each other.

' My daughter friends with a boy?!, I can't accept this!,' He thought.

" Grandpa even gonna take me shopping before the celebration," She said.

' Now Mori-sensei is taking her shopping for his weird lolita styles,' He thought.

" Anyways, Where should we go next?," He asked.

" There!," She pointed to the sanrio shop.

" Hello kitty~!," Daiya exclaimed. After Dazai paid for the drinks. He went with his daughter to the shop.

Daiya smoosh her face against the wall. Cooeing at all of the cute stuff.

" Daddy!, Let's go inside!," She said. Dragging dazai inside.

" Alright, Sweetie, that plushie of yours sure is cute, just like you~!," Dazai rubbed his cheek against hers.

" That's because Kuromi-chan reminds of mama sometimes," She said.

" oh?, How so?," He asked.

" Look at her," Dazai glancr to his daughter's plush and notice it was slightly frowning.

He chuckled and patted her head.

" Alright, i think that's enough for today, Let's call Mori-sensei," He said.

The little girl pouting when she heard she was gonna go home.

" Hey What's wrong?," He asked.

" Will we hang out like this again?," She asked.

" Of course, We're family we can hang out anytime you want," Dazai said. Kissing her forehead.

" Dazai-kun?,"

" Daiya and I are done for the day, do you mind picking her up?," He asked.

" Of course, Anything for my cute grandbaby!," Dazai hang up before Mori could hang up.

' That doctor sure is something,' He thought.

" Mori-sensei would be here any moment, Let's wait for him for a while," He said.

Not too long Mori's limbo arrive to pick up Daiya, After Daiya hugged Dazai for the fifth time. She went in the limbo with her 'grandfather '

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now