~Chapter 7~

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Daiya's pov

I was laying on apartment living room floor. Listening to my mother's sweet humming while brushing my hair.

" Mama, Does Daddy love me?," I asked. Making the ginger male stop his actions.

" Why would you ask that?, of course your dad loves you, It's just, it didn't work out for us," Chuuya said.

" I see," I muttered.

" Can we go to Grandpa?, I miss him," I asked. Sat up from my laying position.

" Of course, princess and I have to send these papers to him as well," Chuuya said. I nodded and got dressed from my pjs.

Third person's pov

The mother and daughter has arrived at the port mafia headquarters and Daiya saw the same male she saw at the agency the other day.

' It's him again,'

Chuuya glance to his daughter and saw what she was staring. He saw a very familiar bandage brunette haired male.

' God, when does he leave us?,' He thought and walked to the elevator. Pressing the button of the  toppest level of the building.

They arrived at the top level. And was met with the guards. Lowering their weapons.

Already knowing who they were.

Daiya went ahead and opened the huge doors.

" Grandpa!, Elise-nee!," Daiya called out and saw her grandpa on his desk writing some papers and Elise, no where to be seen.

" Oh, Daiya-chan, you're here, I didn't know you would be here," Mori said.

" Boss, here's the papers you let me work on," Chuuya said. Mori nodded in response.

" Grandpa, Is everything alright?," Daiya asked. Seeming to be very worried about the older man.

Chuuya gave them their space and leave the room.

Daiya pouted and went to sit on her grandpa's lap. Leaning her head on Mori's shoulder.

" Grandpa?,"

Mori sighed and massage his eyelids gently.

" Grandpa just didn't have a good day," He said. Turning his attention to her.

" What's wrong, Grandpa?," She asked.

" Grandpa Is just a little heartbroken with something," He said.

" Who?, Grandpa?, Who did it?," Making the girl furrows her eyebrows.

" Just someone I used to love, seeing someone else that wasn't me," He said. His sad tone was already very clear.

" Don't worry, Grandpa, I'll kick his butt if he hurts you again," Daiya said. Snuggling into the older man's neck.

Mori sighed happily and stood from his desk seat. Carrying her to the large window. To see the view.

" It's so pretty," Daiya said. Giggling at the sight.

" Talking about pretty, Daiya-chan, I have something for you," He said.

Putting the girl back to the ground.

" Well, what do you you think?," Mori asked

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" Well, what do you you think?," Mori asked. Smiling as the girl twirling around.

" It's pretty, Grandpa!, Thank you!♡," She said sweetly.

" your welcome, sweetheart," Mori said.

" You know, How about we go on a shopping spree for your birthday, Your birthday is coming now right??," He swear he saw lights of stars in his the girl's eyes.

" Can we?, Grandpa?!," She asked.

" OF COURSE!, sweetheart!," He pick her up and twirl her around.

" Boss, The girl seems to be close with the port mafia boss,"

" I see, so the port mafia boss has a weakness, does he?,"

" Apparently, Boss,"

" Remember, bring the girl alive and conscious, I don't want a mark on that brat's skin,"

" Yes, Boss,"

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now