~Chapter 19~

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Third person's pov

" Bye Haru!, See you tomorrow!," Daiya wave at the young boy.

Daiya went to Fukuzawa's side. Walking back to the port mafia headquarters.

" Papazawa, What do you think about Haru-kun?," Daiya asked.

" Well, He seems to be a polite boy, He seems to be close with you too," Fukuzawa eyed the girl.

" Yeah, He's protective with me too, He protects me from bullies," daiya said. A red blush forming on her cheeks.

Fukuzawa eyed the girl's bright cheeks and chuckled at her actions.

' Young love, They both remind me of Mori-sensei and I,' He thought.

" Papazawa, Do you mind having daddy off from work?," Daiya asked.

" May I know why?," The man asked.

" Well, I want daddy and mama to spend time to together, I mean other kids's mommies and daddies always spend time together," Daiya said sadly.

" Alright, I'll inform your father about it and please do tell Mori-sensei about this as well," Fukuzawa said.

The two arrived in front of the main headquarters, Mori and Chuuya infront of the building.

" Mamaaaa!," Daiya ran to her mother. 

The ginger hair male scoop her in his arms and kisses her forehead.

" Thank you again, Fukuzawa-dono," Mori said. smiling warmly towards the older man.

Fukuzawa blushed slightly and turned away quickly.

' Did papazawa just blushed?,' Daiya asked, she glance to her grandfather figure and see a slight blush on his cheeks.

' Hmmm,' She thought.

" So, how was school?, princess?," Chuuya asked.

" It was great!, I made a friend, her name is rin-chan!," Daiya exclaimed.

' I knew this would work, Daiya-chan is socializing with other children,' Mori thought.

" And Haru-kun is in the same class as me!," 






" HUH!?," The two males gasped. 

' That boy!, Why does he always have to be sooo near to my princess!,' Mori thought.

" And together, Me, Rin-chan and Haru-kun are a trio!," Daiya exclaimed. doing a funny pose.

Just her father always does.

" I see, Well, dinner is soon to be serve, it's best if you both should stay," Mori said.

" Yeah!, Dinner at Grandpa's!," Daiya exclaimed and ran inside the building.

" Hi Daddy!," Daiya glance to the screen of her ipad, she was facetiming her father.

" Hi princess, how is my little princess?!," He asked.

" I'm fine daddy, I had a lot of fun at school," She said. eating her chicken nugget.

" Hmm, Fukuzawa-san told me about and the boy too, though we have nothing against him," Dazai mutter the last part.

" Oh and daddy, I asked Papazawa if he could let you have a day off," Daiya said. 

" Oh yes, he told me that too, why?, do you wanna have a father and daughter day out?," Dazai asked.

" No, actually I want you and mama to have a day out," Daiya said.

Mori and Chuuya were shocked, to the point they drop their utensils.

" WHAT?!,"

" WHAT!?,"

The ex-couple were shock as they heard they're daughter set them up for a date.

" Yeah, Daddies and Mommies always go on a " date ", so you two should go too!," Daiya said.

Dazai cut the facetime video, making Daiya confused.

" Well, that was an eventful evening, I should return to my office, I have work to do," Mori stood up, leaving the office.

In secret Mori was actually chuckling, as his granddaughter set her parents on a date. 

' She truly is a soukoku shipper,' He thought.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now