~Chapter 8~

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Mori's pov

" Mori-sensei, I know this is a very unexpected call but hear me out,"

I sighed and massage the bridge of my nose. ' if he's calling me just to mock, I wi-'

" There is an organization that are targeting children,"

' Targeting children?, I might have to ring Chuuya about this,'

" Tell the mother of the girl of yours to keep an eye on her," After that he hangup the phone call.

' i'll might have to keep Daiya safe if her mother is on a mission,'

Chuuya's pov

" Chuuya-kun, there is an organization that is abducting children, keep an eye on Daiya-chan, keep her safe,"

The call ended. I sighed and decided to call out Daiya.

" Daiya, Princess, it's time for lunch," I said. Meeting with silence.

' That's weird, she usually comes directly when I call her,' I thought.

I went to her bedroom and saw no one?

" Daiya!, Where are you!," I started to panicked, checking her playroom and saw no one.

" Daiya!, This isn't funny anymore!," The scenario of her being kidnapped had been predicted.

" FUCK!,"

Third person's pov

" So, Daiya-chan got abducted?," Mori asked,

" Yes, i should have keep an eye on her, should have kept her close to me," Chuuya wipe his tears from his tear stained cheek.

" I'll ring Fukuzawa-dono about this, they must know about this, since he told me about it," Mori said. Grabbing his flip-phone from his pocket.

" Alright, Thank you, b-boss," Chuuya said and slowing exit the office.

After the guards and Chuuya left. The older man deliver a hard punch on his desk. Creating a small crack.

" Rintarou, Who take my Daiya-chan?," Elise appeared next to him.

" A group of underground organization, Elise-chan," Mori said.

" I won't let them get away from their fate, cause they won't touch a hair strand on Daiya-chan's head," the young girl said.

" It seems the little girl that Atsushi brought here has been kidnapped together with several children," Kunikida said.

The detectives were at the meeting room. Discussing about the recent events of children going missing.

" Daiya-chan got kidnapped?!, We have to save her!," Atsushi said.

" Atsushi, we have to be careful, this organization is as strong as the port mafia," Kunikida said.

" That is unless...," Fukuzawa spoke.

" What is it?, Director?," Kunikida asked.

" unless, if we make a temporary alliance with Mori-sensei," Fukuzawa said. Everyone on the room gasped.

" Director, Are you sure about this?, Mori-sensei could take advantage of this opportunity," Yosano said.

" That is true, but we all saw how he deeply cared about this child, And how he cherishes her being," Fukuzawa said.

The detectives were thinking the same thing.

" And since this girl has a mother who is worried about her, We have get her back, as the other children," Fukuzawa finish his speech.

" True, Mori Ougai may be a threat to us, But He is very attached to the little girl, whom he cared deeply," Ranpo said.

" Therefore, We have to rescue her as well as the other children," Ranpo sternly said.

" Wake up, little girl," A voice of a strange man said. Little Daiya woke up and she found herself tied to a chair.

She tried to move around.

" I wouldn't move around if I were you, little one," The man said.

Daiya panicked and found herself in a room of strangers.

' Where's mama and Grandpa?, Where am I?,' Daiya thought and heard sobs coming near her.

She gasped when she saw other children too.

' Where are we?, Did they mommies and daddies left them, But mama would never do that to me,' I thought.

She observed her surronding and it seems the children is in a warehouse.

' Mama, Grandpa, Please save me,' Daiya thought.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now