~Chapter 2~

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~Third person's pov~

" Grandpa!, Can we have ice cream?!," Daiya said to the man, carrying some bags from their shopping.

" Sure, sweetheart, let grandpa put this back in the car okay?~" Mori ougai said. dressed as a local doctor, decided to take his granddaughter-figure out.

" Rintarou!, Hurry up!, Daiya-chan wants her ice cream now!," Elise yelled, stomping her feet on the ground.

" Elise-nee, let's wait until grandpa's done putting all the things in the car," Daiya said, kindly.

The older girl pouted and patted the little one.

" Okay girls!~Let's go get ice cream!" The man said. Pulling the two of the kids to his side.

Mori holding into Daiya's tiny hand.

" her hand is so small," He mutter. Making the little girl turn to him.

" Grandpa, did you say something?," She asked.

' ohhh~Even her voice is so cute!,' He thought, he shook his head.

" nothing, Daiya-chan," He said. The little girl leaned to the side of the older man.

" Rintarou!, Ice cream!," Elise exclaimed. Making daiya's eyes glow from excitement.

" Grandpa, Strawberry please!," She pleaded. Putting on her pouty eyes.

" of course. How could I resist those eyes!?," Mori said. Getting his wallet from his pocket.

Daiya glance to the otherside of the street and saw a man with brunette hair.

Staring at her.

Daiya was getting uncomfortable and went back to her grandfather-figure's side. Scared.

" what's wrong, Daiya-chan?," Mori asked. Getting her ice cream.

" Someone's looking at me weirdly at the otherside of yue street," She said.

Mori glance to the opposite side of the street and saw no one.

' Could it be a stalker?,' He thought.

" Grandpa!, It's so yummy!," Daiya said.

" It must be huh, daiya-chan~" The man crouch to her height. "  Can you feed some to Grandpa?~" He asked.

" Rintarou!, stop being a begger and get your own!, This is daiya-chan's ice cream!," Elise exclaimed. Smacking the middle age man.

" How rude!, Elise-chan!," Mori rubbing his sore head.

" It's ok, Elise-nee," Daiya said. Grabbing a spoonful of ice cream and feeding it to the older man.

" yum," He mutter. Daiya giggled and hugged his neck.

" let's go back now, it's almost dark," Mori said. Picking up the little girl.

They walked back to the black limbo. Strapping Daiya safely on the passenger seat.

" Daiya-chan, Your mama is gonna have a mission tonight. Best you can stay on one of the guest bedrooms," Mori said. Starting the car.

" Can I?!, so that means i will be staying with you tonight?!," She asked.

" Of course. Sweetheart," He said. Driving back to the port mafia building.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now