~Chapter 15~

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Third person's pov

" Mamaaa!, What do you think?, Am I pretty?," Daiya twirl around, giggling at her puffy dress

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" Mamaaa!, What do you think?, Am I pretty?," Daiya twirl around, giggling at her puffy dress.

" Y-yes like the princess that you are," Chuuya sobbed like a proud mama.

" Let's ring grandpa to pick us up." Chuuya pick his phone from his pocket and glance to his daughter twirling around like she's a Disney princess.

" Boss, We're done come pick us up," Chuuya said. hearing a hum from the other man on the other phone.

" Is grandpa coming?," Daiya asked.

Chuuya gaze to his daughter's current appearance. he was in awe, her long brunette hair was tied to a beautiful bun, decorated with a crown, her puffy pink dress made her even beautiful.

" Mama?, You okay?," She asked.

" Y-Yeah, mama's okay," He said and pick her up when he heard his phone ring, meaning Mori was already outside of their building.

" Goodness!, Look at you!," Mori and the other mafias were in awe of the little princess whom they called now.

" So pretty, just as a princess should be," Mori scoop up in his arms and nuzzle his face to hers. making the girl squeals.

" Thank you grandpa  for this dress, I like it very much," She said, twirling around, when she bump into a boy her age.

" Hey-," He paused and see the girl he always play with at the playground.

" H-Hey, D-Daiya-chan," His face starting to turn red.

" Haru-Kun!," She exclaimed and jumped into his arms.

" O-OI," Due to the impact of Daiya's hug, both fell to the floor.

The adults glance to the two kids. all have the same mindset.

' Who the hell is this brat?,' They thought.

Chuuya slapped his face at the sight of the possessive mafias, ' This is why I never told them that Daiya has a BOY FRIEND,' He thought.

" Daiya-chan, I'm here!," The suicidal man has arrive at the scene to only be horror at the sight of his daughter being near to a boy.

' Daiya-chan!?, You betray me like this?!, YOUR OWN FATHER!?,' Dazai thought.

" Daddy!, You're here!," Daiya went to her father's side.

" Daddy?," Mori mutter. He glance to the ginger hair male only to shrug his shoulders.

" Daddy, I'm so glad you could make it," Daiya exclaimed.

" Mori-sensei sure planned this reservation area, this place looks rich," Dazai mutter as he look at the high ceiling.

" Also Daddy, This is Haru, Haru this is my daddy, say hi!," Daiya said.

" WHAT!?, No thank you chibi!," Haru sent a mini glare to Daiya.

" WAHHHH!, HARU-KUN WHY ARE YOU SO MEANNN!?," Daiya let out a fake cry.

Chuuya felt shivers down his spine as this scene unfolds in his memory.

The scene the felt so nostalgic.

" HARU-KUN!, DANCE WITH ME!," Daiya whined.

" NO THANKS CHIBI!, WERE NOT EVEN DATING!," Haru yelled back, making the girl make fake sobs.

' Yes, History does repeat itself right?,' Mori thought and remember the days where he and Fukuzawa met for the first time.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now