~Chapter 10~

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Third person's pov

There is a time where omegas were at their valuable state, and that is there heat cycle, the same with the alphas, they would have the urge to loss theirselves to their omegas.

" Mama, Why can't we go to Grandpa?," Daiya asked, her mother. who was folding their clothes.

" Well, Grandpa is not feeling well and he told me to not let you go there since you would get sick too," Chuuya said, he could clearly see how his daughter's upset state.

" If you want, we could go to the mall, remember that cafe you always wanted to go?," the question made the young girl's eyes sparkle.

" Really Mama!?," She beamed.


" Of course, princess, com'on let's go," Chuuya said. the little girl smiling brightly.

" WOW!, Mama this is the place!?," Daiya's gaze landed on the colorful theme of the cafe and not to mention their cute vibes

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" WOW!, Mama this is the place!?," Daiya's gaze landed on the colorful theme of the cafe and not to mention their cute vibes.

" Of course, do you like it?, princess," Chuuya asked.

" Do I like it?, I love it!," She hugged his leg tightly, having everyone's attention to the sweet girl.

Chuuya chuckled and lead her to their seat.

" I know it's grandpa that usually take you out to these sort of things, but what do you think?," Chuuya asked.

" It's so pretty mama, thank you so much," Daiya leaned towards her mother's cheek, giving it a kiss.

" Thank you, princess," He said and kissed her cheek in return.

" Sir, here are your meals, please do enjoy," The waitress said. smiling brightly.

" Thank you," Chuuya said, sending a gentle smile.

The mother and daughter were having a great time, little did they know something was gonna happen.

suddenly, Chuuya felt something on his lower organ, ' My heat cycle is starting?!, guess I didn't check my calender again,' He thought.

" Mama, is everything okay?," Daiya asked. worried about her mother.

" Y-Yeah, stay here for a awhile alright, I'll be right back," Chuuya stood from his seat and went to the restrooms.

leaving a confuse Daiya.

' What's wrong with Grandpa and Mama today?, it's making little daiya worried,' She thought.

" Um, little daiya, was it?," She turned to the voice and saw the same guy she saw on the street and at the agency before.

" It's you!, What are you doing here?," She asked.

" Well, I wanted to you a few questions," He said and sat next to her. making the poor girl uncomfortable.

" Mama told me not to talk to strangers," She said.

" Well, I was a friend of your mama," He said.

" Really?!, then you must know my daddy!, right?!," She beamed.

' Sweetheart, your father is right here,' He thought.

" Oh, I forgot, I'm Dazai Osamu since I haven't introduce myself properly back at the agency." He said.

" Okie!,"

Dazai's pov

' God, she has chibi's face but have my hair,' I thought. running my hand through her long brown hair.

" So, Dazai-san, do you know my daddy?," She asked.

I sighed, " Well, he was a friend of your mother, not long after they got a along, they fell in love, but that idiot did the most stupidest thing in the world," 

" What did he do, Dazai-san?," She asked.

" That man left your mother and you," I said. feeling the agony appear in my chest again.

" Why?," She gasped in horror.

" No one never know, but he made a mistake in living your mother, cause she gave birth to a adorable little girl," I poke her nose.

" Now I don't want to meet him now," She said sadly.

' God, she hates me now,' I thought.

" I should get going now, I still have work to do," I said, she nodded.

" Bye bye, Dazai-san," She wave goodbye.

" See you later, Daiya-chan," I said and leave the cafe. just in time for chibi to return from the restroom.

I glance from the window and see them interact.

" Hi princess, You alright, no one talk to you?," He asked.

" Nope," Daiya said, winked towards me.

' She definitely also have some of my traits,' I chuckled and walk back to the agency.

Hi Guys, so I'm back, I recovered from the cosplay convention( which was a bit tiring btw), n I back writing now.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now