~Chapter 12~

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Chuuya's pov

' God damnit, How long is this gonna take?!,' I heard the door knock loudly.

" P-Princess, Get the door!," I yelled. The little girl rushing to the entrance door.

Instead of frightened gasped or I heard a happy sequels.

" Dazai-san you're here!," My system just stopped working.

' Dazai?, Fucking Dazai is here?!,' I thought and stood up.

" Hey Daiya-chan, Is your mom alright?," Dazai asked.

" Mama is at the living room," Daiya said. Leading the male to the living room.

" Hey Chuuya," Dazai is face to face to his former mate.

" Hey Dazai," I said.

' Did Daiya bring him here?, Is that why she keep on asking to go to that agency?,' I thought.

" Daiya, could you go to your room?, i need to talk to Dazai," i said sternly.

" But mam-" Daiya tried to speak.

" Did I shutter?, Go to your room beforr you see a beast, I am not in my best moods right now!," My voice booming in the room.

Making the little girl whimper and ran to her room.

Making Dazai speechless.

" Chuuya, I see your anger issues didn't change too," The brunnete male said.

" Look, i'm not in my best moods right now okay, my moodswings has been crazy lately." I said. Decided to sat on the couch.

" That wasn't the reason to yell at her, You know she came to the agency just to get help," Dazai said.

" And Director had went to Mori-san's place, to take care of him," Dazai said. Rubbing his comforting touch to his mate.

Third person's pov

Little Daiya was snuggled in her bedsheets, Finding her tablet.

Tapping the app, that would facetime her grandfather-figure.

After a while, the face of her grandfather-figure appeared on the screen.

" Grandpa, Are you alright?, Did Papazawa go there like he said?," Daiya said. Trying to hide her tears.

" Y-Yes, he is here, He told me that you told him to come here," Mori said. Gazing to the grey haired man

" you're not mad?," She asked.

" No, Why would I get mad?, " Mori said. Leaning into the desk.

" Well, When I told Mama that I called Dazai-san to help her with her sickness, but," Daiya felt tears falling again.

" Hey, what's wrong?, Why are you crying?," Mori said. Starting to get worried again.

" M-Mama she got mad when she saw Dazai-san, she didn't even let me finish," Daiya was sobbing mess already.

Mori sighed knowing so much why Chuuya reacted so much when he saw the man who abandoned him and his unborn child.

" Ok, i'll talk to your mother when he recovers, alright?," Mori asked.

" Yes, thanks Grandpa," Daiya said. Whipping her tears away.

Mori cut the facetime. Sighing loudly.

" Is the girl alright?," Fukuzawa asked.

" Her mother just scolded her, but i know that girl, she'll be happy before we know it," mori said.

" Well then, Let's just hope that this doesn't ruin her family then it already is," Fukuzawa said.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now