~Chapter 3~

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Mori's pov

Humming a tune, while combing Daiya's soft hair.

" Grandpa, do you over have a lover?," the little girl asked who was sitting on my lap.

" Why do you think of that, sweetheart?," i asked. Continue to brush her hair.

" Well, I think I have a daddy but mama never told me, so do you have a lover grandpa?," She asked.

' should i tell her?, one of my deepest secrets that one of my executives only know about,' I thought. Pausing my session in combing her hair.

" Well, In my youth, I used to have one," I said. Making daiya faced her full attention to me.

" You do, tell me more!," she exclaimed. Raising her arms.

" now now, calm down, Grandpa will tell you," I said. Wrapping my arms around her.

" When Grandpa was around your mama's age or older, I met a man who was a little bit older than me, We both were different and even hated each other from time to time, but you know what happens next?," I poke her nose.

Making her giggle.

" Due to my stubbornness, I fell for that man, just like how your mama and daddy fell for each other," I  said.

" But what happened?," She asked.

" well, he just decided that we shouldn't see each other anymore since we came from different organizations," I said.

" Oh, that's sad, grandpa~" daiya whined.

" Alright, let's get you ready for bed," I pick her up and bring her to one of the guest room next to mine.

I changed her into one of her nightgowns.

I changed her into one of her nightgowns

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" Do you want me to tuck you in?," I asked. She nodded eagerly.

Placing her in the covers of the bed to keep her warm, since the port mafia main building is air conditioned in every room.

" Grandpa, do you think I can find someone one day?," Daiya asked. Peeking her head out of the covers.

" I'm sure someday, not now!~You're still a baby!~" I whined. Bringing her to my arms. Cuddling her.

" I'm a big girl now!," Daiya exclaimed.

" alright, bed time now big girl," I said and place her blanket over her.

" Night night, Grandpa," Daiya said. Snuggling into the soft sheets.

" Goodnight, little one," I said. Pecking her head before I leave the room.

Chuuya's pov

I just got back to the main port mafia building. Reporting my mission to boss.

' It's getting late, Daiya must be asleep,' I thought and pressed the top floor button.

I arrive at the top floor and knock on the boss's office door.

" Chuuya-kun, Please come in," The older man said.

" Boss, is Daiya asleep?," i asked.

" yes, she's in one of the guest room next to mine," He said.

" she told me that there was a man staring at her, while we were out, It made little Daiya uncomfortable," mori said.

" What!?," I exclaimed. ' Who's the fucker that was stalking my baby!?,'

" What else did she say?, boss," I asked.

" I told her of my love life~" He said.

" Boss, she's too young for that," I said.

" Aww, Mama is protective to their baby, and she said if she will find someone to love someday," Mori said.

" Oh, i just never told her about her dad, she must have been curious," i said.

" i know this is hard chuuya but it was the best decision you made," Mori said.

" If it makes you feels better, i too long for my former mate to come back, i guess it was the nature of an omega to long for their alphas." Mori said.

It took me time to think about it. Until the realization clink

Boss is a omega!?

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now