~Chapter 4~

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Daiya's pov

Today is mama's day off, so he decided to take me to the parks and yokohama's fairest wheel.

" Mama, Do you think Grandpa's lover loved him?," I asked.

" of course, he did, he just left grandpa for the best," Chuuya said. Kneeling to the girl's height.

" Just what daddy did?," I asked.

Chuuya for a while was spaced out. He didn't know how his daughter thought about her birth father.

' should i tell her?, no she's too young,' Chuuya thought and stood up again.

" let's get some lunch before we go to the fairest wheel," Chuuya said. I nodded.

We saw a cafe near by.

' Uzumaki cafe?,' I glance to the sign board.

" Welcome!~" A kind woman welcome the two. Leading them to their seats.

" What would you like, baby?," Chuuya asked. I glance at the menu and pointed at the omurice.

" One Omurice and some beef would be fine," Chuuya said.

" Your drinks?, sir," She asked.

" orange juice please," Chuuya said. She nodded and went to the counter.

' should I tell mama about that guy who was staring at me weirdly yesterday?,' I thought.

" Baby?, What's wrong?, you seem to be in deep thought, something wrong?," The ginger man asked.

" Nothing mama, It's just that about yesterday," I said. Lowering my head.

" Hey, what did I tell you about putting your head down when I am talking to you?," He said sternly.

I lift my head back up.

" About yesterday, there was a gu-"

" That was staring at you?, Grandpa already told me," Chuuya said.

" don't think about too much okay?," Chuuya tuck a hair behind my ear.

" Sir, your order is serve," The woman came back with a tray of our food.

" Thank you," Mama said formaly.

" Miss, You are so pretty!," I exclaimed. Smiling brightly towards her.

" Aww thank you little one♡," The woman said.

" Pardon my daughter, she's a sweetheart sometimes," Chuuya said and peck the girl's head.

" Not to worry, sir," She left the table and go to the other table.

" Com'on baby, you need your energy if you want to ride the fairest and have fun later~" Chuuya said.

I nodded.

Third person's pov

" Dazai?, You okay?, you've been spacing out for a while," Kunikida said. Who was sitting at the other side. Notice the brunette man staring into notice.

" I-is that chuuya on the other table?," He asked.

" Umm yeah, what's wrong?," Kunikida asked.

" Is there a kid with him?," Dazai asked.

" Yes, Dazai, what the hell is wrong?!," He exclaimed.

' What is that slug doing with a kid?, Why does that kid look like me and him combine!?,' Dazai thought.

' Did we have a kid before I left the mafia?,' He thought.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now