~Chapter 20~

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Dazai's pov

' My daughter, wants me to have a date with her mother, my ex,' I thought.

I glance to the wallpaper of my phone, me and my ex when we were stupid teenagers.

' I think a date would not hurt, i just need to be calm for the whole time,' I thought and contacted my ex.

Third person's pov

" Mamaaa, so are you and daddy going on a date?!," Daiya asked. Eating her cereal.

" Well, Your dad did call and we would meet after I drop you off at school," Chuuya said.

" Okay, Mama," She said and finished her cereal.

" I'll see you later alright, Grandpa's gonna pick you up later," Chuuya said and peck her forehead.

Daiya ran to the building together with Haru and Rin.

Chuuya chuckled and mount on his bike, heading to his ' date 's location.

Chuuya's pov

" I can't believe she set us up," I mutter. Running my fingers through my hair.

" well, i think she just wants both of her parents to make up and you know be together," Dazai said. Leaning into his palm.

" Well, this all would have never happen, If you would have stayed with me, since my pregnancy!," I yelled.

" How many times do I have to repeat myself?, I've changed haven't I?!, I wanna be in yours and Daiya's life again!," He said. Clearly being stressed.

" Well I don't want you to be in it!," I said. Ready to stood up and leave.

" Aren't you being selfish?," Dazai asked.

I paused and turned to him.

" Can't you see that Daiya wants to be with BOTH of her parents and wants the both of them to be living in the same roof together," Dazai said.

' How could I let you in my life?, i have let you in my daughter's life, isn't that enough?,' I thought.

I gasped when I felt arms wrapped around me.

' This maniac, what the f-,'

Dazai peck my forehead.

Then my cheek.

Then my lips. Closing the gap between us.

' This feeling, It feels familiar, like one of those days,' I thought.

" I am your alpha, you are my omega, i meant to be your lover, Your protector and the protector of our child," Dazai said.

" Argh, You always managed a way to come to me," I mutter.

" So what do you say?," He asked. Kissing my forehead.

" Fine, i did miss you though, Even though I said, i didn't," My cheeks were red tint.

" Neee Daiya-chan, Do you think you and Haru-kun would end up together?," Rin asked.

" Huh?!,"

" HUH?!," Haru's cheeks were bright red.

" This round face right here?!," Haru asked. His cheeks were so red.

" Hehe, Haru-kun your cheeks are so red~" Rin smirked.

Daiya glance at her two bestfriends.

' Haru and Me together?,' She thought.

" Cut it out you brat!," Haru spat.

" Huh?!, You're a brat yourself, Haru!," Rin yelled back.

Daiya saw the black limbo and knew her grandfather was here to pick her up.

" Guys Grandpa is here, I have to go!," Daiya said. Waving to the two.

" Sure thing, See ya, Daiya-chan," Rin said.

" Grandpa!," Daiya hugged Mori's leg.

" Hello little one, did you have a fun day?," He asked.

" Uh-huh, We did a lot of fun things!," She giggled and peck the man's cheek.

" Well, Your mother has a surprise for you back home, So we have to get going," Mori said. Putting on her seatbelt.

Ready to go home.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now