~Chapter 6~

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Third person's pov( port Mafia headquarters)

" What!?, My grandbaby is gone!," Mori Ougai slammed his hands on his wooden desk.

" Apparently sir, The little girl seem to distant herself from her nanny when they were returning to the headquarters," One of his subordinates said.

' I should have come with her today,' He thought.

" Alright, does Chuuya know about this?," He asked.

" Umm sir," The man showed him his phone and the footage showed Chuuya in panick and raging matter.

Mori sighed and massage the bridge of his nose.

" Calm him down and I'll phone a friend of mine," He said. The other man nodded.

Fukuzawa's pov( In the agency)

My phone rang. Which was very strange, I made sure I submit all of the documents to the police.

" Director of the Armed Detective Agency, Fukuzawa Yukichi, What do you need?,"

" Fukuzawa-dono....."

I sighed and exhale loudly.

" Mori-sensei, I don't need you and your annoy-"

" Have you seen a little girl with brunette hair and blue eyes, wearing a black dress, by any chance?,"

' I heard Kunikida mention that there is a child with a brunette hair here in the agency,'

" Yes, She is here, in my agency, why do you ask?,"

" ummm, I'll discuss it to you next time, I'm on my way there, give me just a few minutes,"

I hang up and check on the others.

I leave my office and see my subordinates surrounding the little girl.

" Director?," The detectives turned their attention to me.

" Child, Are you related to Mori Ougai?, The boss of the port mafia?," I asked.

I expected a frighten and nervous expression. Never have I expected a joyful and cheerful one.

" He's my grandpa!, And he loves me so much!♡" She said.

' Is he now?,'

" Does he do mean things to you, Daiya-chan?," Ranpo asked. Who was worried for the poor girl's safety.

" Never!, Grandpa loves me and he even punish those bad men who would bully me!," She said. Pouting towards the detectives.

' Mori-sensei, defending a little girl?, who he could just manipulate quickly, how so surprising?,' I thought.

We then heard the door of the agency opened.

" GRANDPA!," Daiya launch herself to the older man's leg.

" Daiya-chan!~, Where had you been?, Your mother has been so worried about you," Mori lectured the girl slightly.

" I'm sorry, Grandpa, But I made new friends," Daiya said and turned to us.

" I see that, but we have to return to the headquarters," Mori said.

" Ok, Bye bye everyone!," She said and leave with the port mafia boss.

' Mori-sensei, he was so gentle with her,' Yosano thought. ' there was no sign of abuse or fright on the girl's behavior,'

" Everyone, return to work," I ordered. They nodded and return to their desks.

Third person's pov( Port mafia headquarters)

" Daiya!, Where have you been?!," A freak out Chuuya ran out of the entrance of the main headquarters to meet his daughter.

" Mama!," She was picked up from the ground and cuddled her mother.

" You don't scare me like that!, You little girl," Chuuya said sternly. Making the little girl pout.

" Don't look at me like that, Daiya nakahara," He said. Making the girl lose her pout.

" Now now, She's back, no harm has been done, Chuuya, You must go home and rest and take this little one with you," Mori pat Daiya's head.

" I think she had a long adventure today," Mori saw how Daiya was yawning and leaning to her mother's shoulder.

" I think she is, Boss," He said.

" Alright, Off you go," Mori said. The mother and daughter walk back to their apartment. Seeing their figures slowing getting smaller.

Mori Ougai went back to the building to finish some work.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now