~Chapter 17~

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Chuuya's pov

" Mammaaa!, Is Haru-kun gonna be the same class as me?!," Daiya asked. or more like whined. like her father >_<

" I'm not sure princess, look, as we get to the school the teacher is gonne lead you to your classroom and weather Haru is there or not, You're still gonna make new friends, okay?," I said. fixing her unifrom.

[ Her unifrom is the one from the slides ]

" Okie mama," She beamed.

" Good girl," I peck her forehead and help her put on her socks and shoes.

" Now let's go before Grandpa is gonna lecture us," I said and hurried to pick her bag and her.

" Boss, I'll be going on my mission now, Daiya be good at school, alright, Love u," I peck her chubby cheek before handing her to Mori.

" Bye Bye mama," She wave, and send a air kiss.

I chuckled and returned her one. before leaving the two.

" You ready to go to school?!, Daiya-chan," Mori asked. 

" Yes Grandpa!. I'm ready to see Haru-kun," She said cutely.

' I'm gonna have to put a reminder to hunt that boy,' The man thought before entering the limbo.

Third person's pov

" Wow!, The building is soo tall," Daiya's eyes wonder at the tall building.

" Alright, let's take you to your classroom, princess," Mori said. taking her tiny hand in his.

A young woman at the entrance of the school greeted the two. 

" Hello there, is this Daiya Nakahara?," She asked.

" Yes, she is, I enrolled her here not too long ago and here she is," Mori exclaimed and peck the girl's chubby CHUBBY cheek.

" Alright, Well, We should get going okay?," The woman said.

Daiya glance back to her ' grandfather ' and gave him a big hug before letting go.

" Have fun, Princess," Mori wave at her. she turned to him and gave him an air kiss.

He chuckled and head out of the school.

" Miss, Are my classmates nice?," Daiya asked the woman.

" Yes!, Of course, I reminded them everyday to be nice to very new student here, so here we are," They stood infront of the colorful door.

The woman knock on the door and heard a soft ' come in '

" Hello Sensei, here's Nakahara-chan," The woman said.

The teacher, who is a female, appears to be in her early twenties approached the two.

" Hello Daiya-chan, I'm Haruno-sensei, I hope we can be friends," She said. presenting a sweet close-eye smile.

" You're pretty," Daiya said.

The woman blushed madly at the girl's compliment.

" Oh, Why thank you little one," She said and excuse the other woman. and let the girl in.

" Everyone!, May I have your attention please," Haruno said. all of the kids turned to the little brunette girl.

" This is Daiya Nakahara, And she is new here, I hope you all would be welcoming and kind to her," The woman said.

" Sweetie, where do you wanna sit?," Daiya scan the room and saw one familiar kid.

" Haru-kun!," Daiya pointed at the boy sitting at the back.

" Haru?, Well alright," Haruno said and leading her to the seat next to Haru.

" Alright, how about let's start by getting to know each other since this is our first day here," She said.

" Hi Haru-Kun," Daiya whispered to her seatmate.

" Why are you here, Daiya?!," He quietly yelled.

" Grandpa enrolled me here and you are here too!," She said.

' Argh!, Why am I always stuck with her?,' He thought. he glance back at her, preparing her things and saw her cute chubby cheeks.

making his heart beat faster.

' GOD!, THIS GIRL IS KILLING ME!,' He thought.

Little Daiya( Soukoku child) Omegaverse fanfic♡~♡Where stories live. Discover now